Title:Puddle Jumping
Rating: Mature (Rating Jumped. Be aware)
Warnings: Supernatural-Spoilers to season 5, SG-1, to season 9, and SGA, all seasons. Also Violence, swearing, pairings, and aliens
Disclaimer:Stargate belongs to MGM, Supernatural to the CW
Distribution: Crossposted on fanfic.net
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"Besides," he grinned, "I can score intergalactic tail. How sweet is that?"
"More like an intergalactic STD," Sam murmured, leaning into Dean's touch as his brother pulled him into an embrace.
You just know that Dean probably would catch some disease like the rapid aging infection that Jack caught in Season 1.
But while the clothing identified the strangers as Earthlings, the way they moved screamed otherwise. Ronon could tell that the Lantians didn't see. Even the man who had led them in was oblivious to the way the strangers' eyes swept through the room, taking in potential threats, exits, and weapons as naturally as their lungs drew breath. The Lantians didn't see the way their shoulders hung loose, not in a state of relaxation but in a state of readiness, so that there would be no tension to slow down the drawing of a weapon.
Yay, someone besides Jack and Teal'k actually looked at them.
Sam dropped his hand before he turned. He gave a dismissive shrug. "I read all the mission reports. Your team did some great work with the Nepheens. Single handedly evacuating an entire planet?" Sam shook his head in amazement. "That was incredible. Your name happened to stick." Sam offered a shy smile tinged with a bit of hero worship.
Sam playing the Marines so Dean doesn't enact violence on them while injured, if the Marines knew they would be even more pissed.
Sam cocked his head to the side. "You think I'm pretty?"
Dean frowned thoughtfully. "I dunno, Sam. I think you can do better."
I think Sam has been around Dean to long, his comment seems more like something Dean would say.
Okay, Dean didn't give a shit about Ronon's outfit. It was the giant ass gun hanging by his thigh that had caught Dean's eye.
It was also said gun that had convinced Dean to leave the cafeteria with his newest friend.
Dean must have loved the shooting range and weaponry test they had to go through. Staying away from Carter was definitely not the only reason he hung out with Teal'k.
Dean took in a deep breath and began slowly counting to ten. That's what Larry, the coordinator of Dean's anger management program had set. Count to ten to give yourself time to think of a better solution as you calm down. Focus on the numbers before you focus on the anger.
Dean made it to three.
That's further than he would make in any of the Seasons of Supernatural.
Ronon is made of awesome. It's a fact that his awesome is what powers his gun.
They've been brothers for over 40 years. Of course they've spent too much time together.
That's true. Normally when Dean's mad he's counting his shots so he knows when to reload.
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