Blah day :(

Nov 09, 2005 12:31

So I guess that my beautiful neice, Kayla, is right...sickness is going around. My sweet but very sick daughter just came home early from work,(Chrissy), and she is sporting a glum face with a slight fever. I think hubby also has it as he called me from work sounding like death warmed over. Bad headache, sweats, and feeling like he can't "hold it down". I tried to get him to come home, but he doesn't get paid sick time at this job. The only thing about working for a small family company, you get less benefits than larger firms. He's is a true "Klingon" though, and he will make it till the whistle blows.

Where is this alleged "Rain"!??? I want rain!!! When we used to live in Washington State, we got TOO much of it and I was sick all the time. Here, we don't get enough of it and I really miss it. Not too much, but just a little more than we normally get.

The clock is ticking....tick....tick....tick....! Thirteen more days till we see the judge. I get anxious about it only when I really think about it. At this point, I only think about it occasionally. Give me another week and I will be obsessed by it!

The power of prayer is inconceivable. Jehovah is so loving and kind and he really listens to our prayers. Try'll like it!!

The news just had a special report. Apparently there were three bombs that went off in Amman, Jordan. Each one was worn by a suicide bomber. Each of them went off in the lobby of a major Hotel in that country. Al Queda strikes again! The death toll is not known yet. It is beleived that these bombers were trying to bring down the whole building...again.

Critical times, hard to deal with. If people cannot see, they aren't trying to. Satan is very busy and we all need to really draw close to Jehovah. We are trying to have a daily study plan, whether it be Bible reading, or a study publication, we ALL need to strengthen our faith or we are not going to make it.

For those young people out there who want to get a tatoo.... Lev. 19:28. "You must not put tatoo markings upon yourself. I am Jehovah." Enough said!

Pirate Party is in February! More details to follow!

Disneyland in December! More Details to follow!

As Goliath said: A thing like this has never entered my head before!!!!!!!
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