// IC Info //

Sep 02, 2030 22:05

*As a nod to the game, many of the entries you see, both third- and first-person, will be 'told' by the character Rucks; in Bastion, he acts as a narrator to the action, using his gruff, yet strangely endearing voice to puts things into perspective. Here, you'll see them usually in italics, and generally use a more 'down home' sort of tone. Here are a few samples of his voice, which will probably become lodged in your brain forever:

The "Launch" Trailer

The "Official" Trailer

And this, an odd little sound bite not used in the game.

*In game, Kid is one of those 'silent protagonists', but he can speak. He'll be somewhat quiet here, and Rucks may end up speaking 'for' him on occasion, but he'll pipe up whenever necessary.

*He's pretty good at building and fixing up weaponry! Got something - mechanical spare parts, sharp objects, strange substances of potentially harmful properties? Bring it to the Kid, and maybe he can whip you up a little something.

*Kid is a good fighter; not only is he strong, but he's keen, and he can take a lot of punishment. Even if you've got a bunch of fancy powers, don't count this guy out in a fight - he may just surprise you, and that surprise usually involves a very heavy hammer.
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