My lovely, lovely linen thread arrived about a week and a half ago, so I've gotten something done on the stays besides basting the pieces into shape.
I think I've spent about 5-10 hours on them so far (I sew slow and I haven't been keeping track). The pieces are whip-stitched together with linen thread, and the seams you can see are back-stitched, also with linen thread. The eyelets are button-hole stitched in, predictably, linen. The fabric for the stays is a pink linen/rayon or cotton blend that I'm using because: 1. I have it on hand, and 2. I like the color.
Also, a couple of days ago I was behind a car that had the two great bumper stickers. The first, "A nation that kills its children - is a nation without hope," is notable merely for egregious hyphen use, but the second was really fantastic. It said, wait for it,
"Chastity: the responsibility of the next generation."