Wired Originally uploaded by
Jan1ce. I have to guiltily confess that I enjoy reading the celeb twitters even more than my friends'. (Although the newly found connection to my brother's life is a joy.) I'm a hopeless groupie and sleb whore, I guess. Turns out that they are pretty ordinary in many ways, which is fabulous to know, but at the same time have the money and time allotted to do and tell about some amazing things they have going on in their privileged lives. As long as it's not done boastfully I just enjoy the ride and live a little vicariously. And who knew Ashton Kutcher (@aplusk) could inspire me??? Good lord, that's a shock. Enjoy reading things like this from Boris Johnson - mayor of London (@mayorlondon) a couple of weeks back "Got told off for riding my bike in city hall." It's just plain fun and voyeurism takes on a whole new meaning.
I'm @calamityto