Tracy Arm Originally uploaded by
I've set the alarm for 4:50am because at 5 we are arriving at Tracy
Arm, a fjord which ends in a very large glacier, The ship's
naturalist, Alan Cortash, has prepared us - I really enjoy his talks
and learn a lot. He sits at the bridge and tells us what he sees - the
scenery, the wildlife. My eyes are so bad that even when he points out
the seals, the eagles, the whales, I can't see them. The binoculars
help a little but not as much as I hoped. But Dad, wow, he sees
everything! Near the end of the fjord is an island, Sawyer Island. The
water divides around it and just ahead is a huge glacier, the North
and South Sawyer. Only we can't get up close to it. We have to stop at
the island. There are dozens of chunks of ice in the water and the
captain announces that even though we have come closer to the glacier
than any other ship this season, we can't go farther than the island.
The glacier is in sight but that's it. We have huddled on deck with a
howling bitter wind, some rain, wrapped in red plaid blankets hanging
on Alan's every word. At 10am we have turned back and are heading out
to sea. The scenery has been wonderful and the atmosphere festive but
full of awe.