Originally published at
AstralCandy. Please leave any
comments there.
At first this blog was hosted on Livejournal, then briefly on Vox, then became doink! on my own domain. The very recently I found I didn’t like some of the other definitions of doink, moved to AstralCandy.com, and thought that would be that. AstralCandy was previously my short lived personal blog, but that had gone due to my neglect. However, Orophen and I are now in the process of creating a new joint project. We haven’t done this for a few years now and I’m hoping beyond hope he will take it seriously or that it will be some what successful.
So then comes the problem of… what am I going to do with this site? I’ve considered actually archiving old entries and restarting my character blog fresh since the game is still very new. I’ve already started to think about what I would want to write and how, and what Calaera Smith’s background would be like. Let’s hope it works out~