Gen battle: my entry (Torchwood, Gwen)
is here If anyone on my flist has seen A Bit Of Fry and Laurie, then
marginaliana has done a Tony-and-Control gen battle fic to the prompt of 9/11. Which could have gone horribly wrong, but she got it heartbreakingly right.
And that's here So, I went swimming. Forty damn lengths of breastroke, my friends! When in September I couldn't do a single length of it without stopping and hanging onto the side. When - even with my front crawl - I could only do eight lengths before I died.
Pleased with myself is an underestimate. i failed to keep up with the German lessons, I failed to cope with being, well, me. I haven't got a dissertation topic yet and we start them in five weeks. But I have passed every module, and I have swum forty lengths of breaststroke.
I can take the rest of the year off now, right?
(Also, I've grown enough muscle to be within a normal BMI according to the height-weight machine, and it doesn't blip at me alarmingly and tell me to eat more. And it thinks I'm 5' 9.5" and not 5'9, but I can live with that. It's probably more accurace than a tape measure against a doorframe anyway)