Made a last-ditch attempt to save Zavvi (so much money on DVDs... but so many DVDs. North and South - with Richard Armitage - is awesome. Hot and angsty and guh.)
1. Leave me a comment saying, 'interview me'.
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. Update your LJ with the answers to the questions. (You must do this, even if it's filtered for my eyes only!)
4. Include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.
kirsty841 asked:
1. What's the best fic you've ever read or written?
The best one I've ever read... hmmm...
God, that's difficult.
The one that's leaping to mind is
annerb 's String Theory, for Stargate at least. Because the writing is just gorgeous, and it drags you in, and for me it's all about atmosphere. If I can forget that there is story, if I'm there, then it's a good story, for me. And String Theory is a Sam/Jack fic that's all about Sam, and who she is, and the S/J-ness is almost incidental. And there's Tok'ra! But there's also
rydra_wong 's
walked right out of the machinary, which breaks your heart in a good way and I could just not stop reading. And it also has Tok'ra. That's a creepy pattern. There's also the Teal'c board game fic as well, but I completely fail at remembering who that was by or where it's posted. I just remember really vivid imagery, and deepness and being awed.
For Torchwood... it's really hard to impress me with a Jack/Ianto fic. Anything at
sam_storyteller is blindingly brilliant. Asrai's
The Night Starts Here blew me away as something longer which was amazing.
demotu 's
A Matter of Time is perhaps the best long fic (and one of the best fics overall) I've come across in Torchwood fandom.
little_giddy 's
Fade Away and Radiate is one of the few Torchwood stories that can make me cry - she's another one with a brilliant ability to just drag you into the story until you forget everything else (her
Before I Walk Away Against My Will is perhaps my favourite Vala story ever, and should go in the paragraph up there). And I've got a particular love of
Domestic Goddess, by Doyle.
The best one I've ever written. Gah. Difficult.
New Guy, Old Story for Stargate. Because it's quite contrary. It's S/J. But really, it's team. And Cam. And Sam. And Jack, though he never makes an appearance and is mentioned once. It's aliens-made-us-get-hitched. But it's not about that, either. My favourite (only) SG:A is
The Crackpots and These Woman. Because I felt like I got a handle on Teyla, almost. Because it's about Sam, and Teyla, and them being awesome.
Dulce et Decorum Est is my favourite Torchwood, at any rate. because it's an ambitious subject, for me - I usually write fluff - and I think (hope) I sort of pulled it off.
That was... slight more than one. Oops.
2. Do you like where you live?
Yes. At the minute, that's Liverpool. It's a city, but it's not a huge city. I'm in walking distance of town, I'm five minutes from uni. Perfect. The area's a little rough, but, touch wood, no problems yet.
3. Do you have any children? If not, are you planning any?
Nope. (I'm 22! I'm in uni!) Having said that, it's not something I definitely want either. I just... don't like kids. Never say never, but. Yeah. I don't like kids. I'm not planning on having any of my own.
4. What's your favourite drink? (alcoholic or non-alcoholic)
Non-alcoholic - apple juice. I just... love it. Alcoholicly, I am known as martini-girl. I have a huge bottle sat in my room.
5. Where's your happy place?
In a book. Escaping. I'm one of those people that needs to get away from everyone to recharge my batteries, so if I can stick my head in a book and live someone else's life for a while, I'm happy as a pig in muck. In the real world, i'm happiest under pressure. If I have no pressure, I flop around and mope and do nothing. put me under intense amounts of pressure, and I stress and flail around and get everything done.
lilferret asked:
1. In regards to fan fic, are you happier writing or reading?
Ummm.... yes. it depends.
When writing's going well - when I'm not thinking about it and it's just coming out my fingertips and flowing; when I look back at something, realise that the fic has said something about the character without me realising it - without me realising that about the character, even - then it's one of the best things in the world. But when I stall on something, or I can't write even though I want to - when I look at my WIPs and think "I'll never finish that" or even "I've run out of stories", then, well, I like reading better. Similarly, when I'm trawling through crappy OOC fics it's a lot different to reading one of the most beautiful bits of writing I've ever come across.
So: reading, most of the time. Occasionally, writing (god that sounds self-important. Pretend I said that, but better, willya?)
2. Who's your favorite TV character of all time?
Argh. I don't know. Pass. Genuinely. Jack O'Neill? Possibly. I may be distracted by the hotness of RDA. Blackadder? Well, maybe, but i may be distracted by the fact that he's surrounded by an amazing cast, and amazing script. Vince, from Queer as Folk UK? He's a geek, he's a pathological liar, he's the nicest bloke alive. But he could be a fad. Donna Noble from Doctor Who could be a fad, too.
3. What was your favorite TV show when you were a child?
This is possibly aka Shows That I Would Have Ficced At Seven. Due South. Loved it. Was so gutted every Christmas, every birthday, when I didn't get a deaf half-wolf called Diefenbaker who loved doughnuts. Also, the Animals of Farthing Wood, which was a cartoon about a bunch of woodland animals travelling cross-country to escape their dwindling woodland home. (Shut up!) It was heartbreaking, especially when people tried to kill them (also, omg, they tried to cross a motorway. Hedgehogs. Was on the edge of my seat)
4. What's your favorite pastime?
Reading. Or possibly cross-stitching. My big damn cross-stitch is keeping me occupied. I love the mindlessness of it - you have to concentrate, so you can't think about much else, but it's not taxing on the brain. I find it very hard to switch off - it's why I tend towards the insomnia, and it's why I tend to worry. So anything that makes me stop thinking is a relief. It's just a very welcome break. And I can watch a DVD at the same time.
5. Have you ever played any sports?
I used to play netball, at school. I was apocalytically bad at it. I was definite B team reserve material. Hand-eye co-ordination is not my thing. Actually, at one point I played tennis, too. With similar results. The brain knows what needs to be done, but the body ain't co-operating. At the minute, as part of my Grand Get Fit Plan (aka Operation Grow Some Muscles), I'm trying to swim twice a week. I'm doing twice the lengths I was at the start of September, so...