Aug 28, 2013 21:26
I recently received an email inviting me to join NMU ALLIES. ALLIES is a group on campus that shows support for a subset of the population. Specifically, the Bee Gees, the Elles, and the Tease.
My initial thoughts: "Cool! Some of my co-workers are members and have a decal displayed on their office windows. Maybe I should do the same." Then I continued reading and something made me pause.
Decals are issued ONLY to individual members, not departments or offices, so that GLBT people can be assured of support and confidentiality from the person displaying the decal.
Support and confidentiality? That's part of my job. For everybody. It doesn't matter which combination of colors, ethnicities, beliefs, sexual preferences, and gender identities come to me for help. If the help they are requesting falls within my job duties, I will help them. If not, I will direct them to somebody who can.
I'm left wondering why I should display a decal advertising that I'll treat a subset of the population the same as everybody else? I've asked around a bit, and received great answers like, "It really helps!" and "That's just how things are now." Thanks.
Furthermore, why don't other subsets of the population need me to display a decal? Gamers? They've always been outcasts. Straight white people who shave their heads and hate differences? They're not welcome when they come to town. Italians? They face ridicule and stereotypes just for having cool names and awesome food. There are so many different people that there wouldn't be enough window space if everybody had a decal, so why does this one group need one?
Can anybody give me a logical explanation?