
Oct 02, 2010 15:07

Hello there! I can't believe it's been over three years without posting anything; at all.

It's been three crazy years of moving around a lot, folks not doing very well (luckily, they're OK now), changing jobs and lots of work (tons, really). Unfortunately, I lost contact with pretty much everybody. In fact, I almost lost my email account (I got it back but it was a blank slate, ugh, sucks).

Anyway, things have slowed down quite a bit and I've actually got my life back (or part of it at least).

My job is awesome. I'm working for a small video game company (casual games only) and my team mates and bosses are the best. They're incredibly funny and it feels like a small family so it rules. But, well, sometimes it does get insane when we approach heavy deadlines.

So, hopefully, I'll be able to post all the sketches and stuff that I've accumulated over three years with some continuity.

Also, I want to thank all the people that have e-mailed me asking whether I've been abducted by aliens or got an airplane ticket on Oceanic 815. Thank you so much for all your concern and support!!!

Oh, and before I forget, again, my Deviant Art account is hueco-mundo. Lots of people asked me about this (thank youlily-hbp!) because they thought it was somebody else stealing my pics.
Since I didn't say anything about the DA account in my LJ it got a bit confusing.

The reason I didn't say anything about the hueco-mundo account was because it just didn't cross my mind *shrugs* I'm not particularly bright sometimes (or all the time really ;) Also, the DA account doesn't have all the pics that I post on LJ but if you want to check it out, sure, feel free to do so!

This post got way too long. So I'll keep it up on my next post! It's awesome to be back and hopefully I'll be able to catch up with everybody!

And I'm posting a pic that I did about Bella and Snape (not shippy in case you're wondering).

So it's Bella threatening Snape and saying something like "If you hurt the Dark Lord I'll kiiiiiillll you" but in a smooth and low tone like all evil females speak of course :P
And Snape doesn't know whether to curse her or stake her.

harry potter, snape, bella

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