Feb 17, 2005 16:35
wow. i hate dating. i never knew it, but there we go. i hate it. i hear all about people with the butterflies in their stomachs, and i want to beat them with a crowbar. i've got pteridactyls in my stomach (i hope i spelled that right), and they're trying to kill me from the inside out. oh yes. and ahm and my room still looks like a tornado blew up in here. how many kinds of suck is that? i hate having a messy room, but i'm a messy person. god is out to torment me. i know it.
anyway. i also hate my printer, which wouldn't work until it wasn't really that important (not that i'm getting on the working's case. i want it to work. i needed it to for bio lab tonight). anyway. i reserved a room for next semester, and now must bully my roommate into doing the same. *bullies ahm lots*. we'll be moving near both of our boyfriends, which is pretty handy if i do say so myself. so yay to us. i've gotta pay my $100 advance fee, but unfortunately for that i need $100, and that's where the trouble starts.
anyone catch that. i have a boyfriend. why...the holy hell...do i have a boyfriend?! i don't do the whole dating thing. i watch other couples and write and daydream and stuff. i don't date. i'm way to fugging independent to want to spend my time with other people doing things i don't necessarily want to do. and it doesn't help that i'm a private person, too. and i'm dating Mike, who's one of the nicest guys....ever. yeah. <3 anyway. he like...calls me, and i feel like he's in my space. and he's not. so i assume i'm just psychologically damaged for all time from Josh period and from Bryan cheating on me. i think i'll go safe and just stay married to my wife and ignore all of this other stuff. i'm thinking i'm gonna make another LJ so my roommate can read it and not read this one. >.> <.< damn girl is too damn nosy for my own good.
^-^ well. uhhh...stuff's happening in my life (i swear). i just don't know what. i got a 80 on my psych test, a 72 on my anthro test [trust me, it's a celebration] and i have no idea what i got on my bio test. on all my quizes in appreciating lit i got 100s and for all but two of my bio lab quizzes i got 100, and the IC quizzes i've got two 90s. rawr.
uhh...i'm wearing headphones with no music playing, so i assume i've recently lost what was left of my mind. i'm going to put on music now....yay. music. i have to go to my bio lab homework ((class is in an hour...ish)). well. love to everyone.
~Le Squid