I've been working a lot! But they have a no Sub can use a P/C rule and I am too beat when I get home to log on and so on. Seems like I lost some LJ friends 'cause I am too busy to keep up. What ever. I am sick of the net.
Wow I bet! I understand. That must be hard not knowing if you are working till 5 am. That is one reason I could not sub yet because I have two kids. I wouldn't have a place for them to go or at least Mckenna to go to if I had to work all of a sudden without any notice.
I understand!!!! I can't wait till I am there finished with my schooling. I took the CBEST and passed it. So I could sub anytime I want to now.
You will be able to pass it no problem
I just hope i get into the credential program this semester or the next. I will be doing prep classes this semester if I do not get in and I have to pass the CSET this summer. I will make sure I pass it too.
Teaching takes a lot out of me. I get calls starting at 5:00 AM so I need my sleep and so on. I can't spend my life on the P/C.
You will be able to pass it no problem
I just hope i get into the credential program this semester or the next. I will be doing prep classes this semester if I do not get in and I have to pass the CSET this summer. I will make sure I pass it too.
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