211 Near Disasters

Jul 09, 2009 22:49

Video Post

[Camouflaged by bars of darker color against light, the mighty hunter stalks its prey. Silent footsteps carry him across the carpeted floor of the darkened room. He pauses to evaluate his approach. Then he gathers himself, and with a panther's grace attacks, pinning his opponent's legs!]

Hal, go to sleep.

[The cat, however, seems happy enough to gnaw at the back of his owner's heel through the sheets. As for Niko: sigh, fumble, check the recording device (of course it's on). He hasn't spoken much to anyone since Saturday, too busy with finally getting back on his feet. Might as well change that now if he's going to be on the network anyway. He glances over his bare shoulder at the vicious monster that's moved on to savaging its own tail while rolling over the backs of Niko's calves.]

Overactive little brothers respond well to threats of violence when they disturb you, but I have yet to find something equally as effective on a bored cat. Suggestions?

super sexy boogeyman slayer, nice rear view niko, hotspur is on loan, big brother, oh my god he has a sense of humor, nik got pwned, being looked after for a change, stuck in bed with nothing to do, cats, buddha-loving bad ass, this is how he does relaxed

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