186 Near Disasters

Apr 29, 2009 20:30

Fear of the dark is a basic survival imperative. Human beings are ill-equipped for nocturnal activity. In order to see the world in vivid color, we sacrifice clear vision in low light. Our senses of hearing and smell are on average weak. Most of us pay little attention to what we can feel around us and what it means. It's easier to find a corner and hide.

Easier, and idiotic when you're dealing with anything that makes better use of its senses than a human being does. Humans can adapt with a little time and effort. Your physical capacity to see, hear, smell, touch and taste is limited. Practice can improve your understanding of what each sense is telling you.

A vampire attempted not long ago to eliminate me and my brother in a nighttime ambush. His mistake was to believe that if we couldn't see him, we wouldn't know he was near. Full awareness of our surroundings made all the difference. Cowering would only have gotten us killed faster.

Worry less about the dark than what's in it. Hiding works sometimes. Having a contingency plan to fight or run is better. When you have a reason to worry about what goes bump in the night, you'll sleep better with the assurance that you can defend yourself.

[ooc: If you've noticed that Nik's been pretty easy-going since yesterday evening, bravo. He's among those affected by Nate, and it's a good thing! His worst memory, the one that's been keeping him up at night, was erased, leaving him relatively relaxed and able to sleep.]

mr miyagi = pwned, boy scout, super sexy boogeyman slayer, big brother, listen to my words grasshopper, overachiever, hero complex, seamus, vampires, cal, what missing memory, ninja, buddha-loving bad ass

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