137 Near Disasters

Dec 17, 2008 15:22

Filtered to Friends//Hackable

We have a problem.

I need someone to take over at Lux. Now.

[OOC: If he chats with you and he's not hostile towards you, you're on the filter.]

this can't be good for his diet, here there be monsters, lux, zombie plot, damage control, i'm no superman

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[1/2] unhexed December 17 2008, 22:03:51 UTC


unhexed December 17 2008, 22:04:34 UTC

[OOC: I AM ASSUMING SHE IS ON THE FILTER, plz correct if wrong cause she is a newb yet.]


Filtered cal_sitter December 17 2008, 22:20:29 UTC
Thank you.

[OOC: Most of his friends are new. :-D]


Filtered unhexed December 17 2008, 22:32:18 UTC
Do I have your permission to switch out with a friend of mine if I have to leave at some point?


Filtered cal_sitter December 17 2008, 22:33:53 UTC
You'll have to trust your own judgment.


Filtered unhexed December 17 2008, 22:36:22 UTC
Okay. Be there in five.


Filtered cal_sitter December 17 2008, 22:37:13 UTC
It may be best if you don't come alone.


Filtered unhexed December 17 2008, 22:56:18 UTC
I won't. I'll get someone--there are a couple people around here as of yet who should be available.

If you need to be confined, we can do that, too.


Filtered cal_sitter December 17 2008, 23:00:59 UTC
You may not be able to.

[OOC: *facepalm* I have a dream that my cursor will behave and stop posting things before I'm ready.]


Filtered unhexed December 17 2008, 23:08:08 UTC
Why? We'll hurry.

[OOC: It happens! D: Rebellious computer utensils.]


Filtered cal_sitter December 17 2008, 23:10:29 UTC
Because I may not let you.

[OOC: My HD is starting to go, so occasionally the lags on even basic functions lead to interesting results.]


Filtered unhexed December 17 2008, 23:23:56 UTC

Preemptively, then. If you don't mind making it easier on us, cold slows things down, especially regarding this disease. Locations you can lock from the inside and throw away the key (provided you don't mind broken down doors at some point) would also be a good idea.

[OOC: fff I sympathize, I use laptops, which die every year or so. :( Also, assuming is a-ok, I hope, for whenever you want stuff to occur? Otherwise something can probably be worked out.]


Filtered cal_sitter December 18 2008, 00:22:23 UTC
I can grant you one of the two, but not both.

[OOC: I'll admit to being something of an action spam addict. :) But I can go with assuming if that would be best.]


Filtered unhexed December 18 2008, 00:34:51 UTC
Locking yourself up seems the best bet, then. I'm sorry this happened.

Let me know where you are.

[OOC: I am totes up for action spam, actually! Wanda will have to sneak up on her own and check things out; she's bringing someone with to Lux, though, quite sanely.]


Filtered cal_sitter December 18 2008, 01:08:09 UTC
I'm not.

There's an empty storage room in the rear. You'll find my katana outside the door.

[OOC: Awesome. He is superninja in canon, so come prepared. *G*]


Filtered unhexed December 18 2008, 01:17:45 UTC
You're not--?

All right.

[OOC: Oh dear. She'll have her gun and her weirdo instinctive subconscious magic, I guess! >:3 Annnd incoming action tag!]


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