Jun 01, 2009 20:35
Had the best meal of the trip so far tonight, at a nondescript Japanese restaurant at which my uncle (my mom's eldest brother) is a regular. My dad and cousin (mom's sister's daughter) also came along. There was a bit of salmon belly, thinly sliced Tai (Red Snapper?) mixed with a bit of white seasame and scallions, mackerel, oyster with ponzu soy sauce-vinegar, fresh grilled whole fish which I cannot name at the moment, thin sliced beef stir fried with tender ginger slices (delicious and tender), some stir fried veggies, miso soup, and I asked for a tamago roll at the end, to end with something sweet.
Dad also brought a hunk of tuna belly he received from a friend a while back and kept in the freezer. Although it wasn't in ideal condition, under the chef's knife it turned out pretty darn good.
We also drank about half a bottle of uncle's nice Scotch whiskey. The chef helped. I received a light buzz. It was very nice.
Tab was 900 NT per person. For Taipei I felt this was exceptional value, although to be fair dad did bring on his own the most expensive fish.
Now this is a vacation.