Oct 30, 2006 19:32
so...wow...it's been almost a month and a half since I posted here...though I have been checking in on occasion in that time...life got kind of hectic there for a while
So....mostly stuff just kept happening.
To start with there were the job interviews, no of which panned out into actual employment, which is starting to really suck, cause Christmas is coming up and I have very little income...which is leading to me, whillst still applying for every chemical job going, also applying to places like supermarkets, cause I could really do with some form of job pretty quickly.
As well as racing around trying to look respectable, enthusiastic and empoyable (and failing obviously), I've also been trying to help my grandad (and my parents) sort out my grandma's things...she died this month, which was really sad, but thankfully we got time to say goodbye and get used to the idea that she was dying before it happened (and painlessly at that, thankfully), so there hs been funerals, and informing people, and wills, and trying to teach my grandad how to do the laundry and such things.
And finally I subcommed once again to popslash....my guilty pleasure...it happens that i end up flirting with it every now and again (i.e once every three years I think), but this time I fell and fell hard...thats where I've been the last week or so...running around the net reading most everything i can find....and actually getting to the point where I kind of want to go and buy nsync albulms...which is bad, cause of the no money point mentioned earlier.
So nothing interesting is actually going on...but I am off back down to leicester at the weekend to visit some of the folks from uni...should be really cool to see them again.