Name: Callum Newton Archer
Played By/Physical Description:
Callum Keith Rennie, around 6’ tall, wiry frame, blonde hair that sticks up from his head, green-blue eyes.
Age/Birthdate: 37/ June 09, 1969
Gender: male
Wand: 12“ holly, phoenix feather
Blood: half-blood
Birthplace/Location: Sunderland, Tyne and Wear, England
Status or Class: middle class
Pet Name/Species:
OWL Scores (For 1-7th Years):
Astronomy: A
Charms: E
Herbology: A
History of Magic: A
Potions: E
Transfiguration: O
Care of Magical Creatures: A
Arithmancy: A
Muggle Studies: E
NEWT Scores: (6th, 7th Years and Adults Only. Put N/A if not applicable):
Astronomy: n/a
Charms: E
Herbology: n/a
History of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: O
Care of Magical Creatures: E
Arithmancy: n/a
Muggle Studies: E
10 Words to describe your character: energetic, impatient, efficient, observant, confident, reckless, flexible, reliable, active, straightforward
Personality: Callum is a very energetic and active person, someone who gets things done. He knows right from wrong but he also knows that you have to operate in the vast patch of grey area that separates those two to survive and isn’t above bending rules to the point of almost breaking them when he thinks it’s vital for accomplishing his mission. In his opinion, the end almost always justifies the means.
There is very little to no subtext with him. What you see is what you get and he will tell you exactly what he thinks about you but he would never be intentionally mean. Dealing with him might not always be a pleasant experience but at least people know exactly what to expect.
Strengths: Both magical and personality:
Practical magic is his thing. Callum’s strongest subjects at school were Charms, Transfiguration and DADA. Years of working as a hit wizard have helped him perfect those skills. His Potions skills are solid enough (job training) and he has occasionally helped out at the magical creature control department (or whatever that is called).
Confidence in his skills allows him to function efficiently. While he’s not exactly happy with his life he’s pretty satisfied with what he’s got and tries not to let things he can’t change bother him (much).
Weaknesses: Both magical and personality:
Callum was never good at subjects that mainly deal with theory. He just managed to pass Arithmancy and Astronomy and dropped both subjects in his sixth year. In addition to those he dropped Herbology because he couldn’t handle moving, sentient or poisonous plants.
He isn’t good at waiting. It frustrates him and drives him to making snap decisions. Until now none of those decisions had bad consequences and his former superiors have explained his behaviour as ‘thinking outside the box’ but the truth is that no thinking at all was involved.
Routine, Cal thinks, is a silent killer and in his case it’s might be very true. He’s always in motion, striving to keep his life going forward, trying to keep it fresh and interesting.
Callum grew up in a happy home as the second of three children. He was born two weeks prematurely which in his opinion explains why he’s so impatient. His parents, Robert and Elizabeth, work in the Ministry archives. During his spare time, Robert would take the boys to Quidditch matches, go fishing with them or take them to the zoo.
Callum was a good student at Hogwarts and worked hard to get good grades because he didn’t want to disappoint his parents who wanted their children to have better jobs than them. He was a bubbly student, sometimes a little too impulsive and outspoken for his own good which got him into unnecessary fights with his peers and even more unnecessary arguments with teachers which earned him an above the average amount of detentions. One of his teachers once told him that he needed to control himself and that it was vital that he learned when to keep his mouth shut. However, that teacher also added that it might have already been too late. The boy took that as a challenge, of course, and tried to keep himself in check as best as he could during his last year at school. At the graduation ceremony, that teacher gave him a small ‘I am capable of controlling my temper’ badge as a joke. Callum still has that badge.
After graduation, Archer entered the hit wizard training program much to the dismay of his father who had hoped the boy would pick a less dangerous profession. How could dealing with bad people all day be good for a person, he asked. The day, Callum finished his training almost killed Robert who had secretly hoped his son would drop out and find another profession. Father and son haven’t spoken to each other ever since. While it hurt Callum that his father disapproved of his decision so much, he never regretted it. He loved his work and became one of the best hit wizards the Ministry ever had.
At the age of 25, Archer married Isabel, a Ministry solicitor. He had worked with her on several cases and one day he decided to ask her out on a date. They went to the zoo Robert used to take his sons to. Isabel was from a middle class family. Her father worked at Gringott’s and her mother, a muggleborn witch, was a nurse at St. Mungo’s. They moved into a small house in the countryside. Callum wanted to have children right away but Isabel didn’t want to give up her career yet. Of course, she didn’t word it that way. Her reasoning for not having children was that she wanted to have her husband to herself for a while before having to share him with someone else. Finally, five years later, the woman agreed that it was time for a baby and thus made her husband the happiest man on earth.
The pregnancy caused Isabel a lot of trouble but she didn’t let on how much because she didn’t want Callum to worry. Doctors told her that it would be wise to terminate the pregnancy because she simply wasn’t built to carry children. She steadfastly refused, believing that everything would turn out fine in the end. Two months before her due date, she had to be rushed into St. Mungo’s and died there. The baby didn’t survive either.
Callum who couldn’t stand being around things that kept reminding him of his wife, quit his job and disappeared from Britain for a couple of years. When he returned, he was offered his old job but respectfully declined. Instead he chose to work as a free lance bounty hunter for several years all over the world until he was offered a teaching position at Hogwarts.
Prior School: Hogwarts 1980-1987
What house were they in?: Gryffindor
Why were they in that house?:
Cal doesn’t wait for things to happen, he makes them happen. He’s someone who stands up for his beliefs, voices his opinion (even when no one wants to hear it) and is willing to put his life at risk for what he believes is right.
Occupation: DADA teacher