procrastination strikes again...

Dec 13, 2006 20:40

so im sitting in the libs and i should be working on my final papers but instead of doing that, im going to share with the livejournal community the joys and sorrows of college finals...

joy: my school has an honor code...what this means is that there are these things called self-scheduled sign up for when youre going to take a test, then show up to a random room with no proctor and take the test...all you have to do is write a little thing on the front of the test booklet that says that you didnt give or receive aid on the test...pretty sweet

joy: i didnt have to take any self-scheduled finals, or any final exams in general

sorrow: i DO have to write 3 papers

sorrow: 2 of them (3-4 pages long...i know...not bad at all) are due on halfway through one of them...unfortunately for me, i had to pretty much start from scratch because i didnt do any reading after the midterm

joy: 2 out of 4 classes didnt give a final

sorrow: the third paper is 5 pages long and due on wednesday

sorrow: what this means is i have to finish the first of the shorter papers tonight so that i can do the second one tomorrow so that i can start the long one on friday

joy: what self-scheduled exams means is that i dont have to stay for finals week...yessss

sorrow: the library is actually more distracting than sitting in my room...note the fact that im on livejournal...

joy: see you all on saturday!!!
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