My Good Ikuze Album Arrived!

Apr 08, 2013 17:10

Yay! Surprising it arrived after 2 weeks. I was expecting 3 or 4 weeks, so I'm happy.
I loved the photo book, everyone looked stunning but Tama really stood out to me. XD
And everytime I see Nika now, I imagine him as a delinquent student in Bad Boys J.

There was a lot of things I liked and disliked about the album. Overall, it's fantastic. Their sound is similar yet different. There's still that electronic vibe going on but I feel it's less hardcore. Also songs like Forza! and Chance Chance Baybee were a refreshing change. I can't express how much I adore the incorporation of strings and wind instruments. Anything with violins or trumpets will win me over.

I prefer 1st overture over 2nd oveture. Also Taipi's solo, xLunaSx, wasn't as out there (BAM!) as Love Me. Mitsu's solo, GivTe me..., was R&B, very different from his previous rock solo. Both are excellent in their own right. The album mix of Ai no Beat wasn't as good as the dance version, but nonetheless catchy. I wished that nika, miyata, yokoo, and senga had a solo song. Their voices are really nice and smoothing~

Kis-My-Zero3 has exactly 1 more song than Kis-My-Zero (so I'm getting more worth..,lol I'm such a stingy person). I absolutely can't stop listening to Think u x. and Kis-My-Land!! They are great songs to sing/hum along to....except it's kind of awkward to sing when Think u x. has a really sexual line *cough* No one can stop me now, Going inside of You *cough*.

It's pretty strange to see that kisumai has the same number of albums as hey say jump now... It goes to show how management can really push one group. I guess since kisumai is getting older, they're trying to establish their own market quickly. I have a conspiracy about why HSJ not getting any new releases...

It's to prepare for Ryutaro's comeback!!! I know this is unfair of me to think like this when there is no proof and it will ultimately hurt me physically and mentally (if it doesn't come true).
But Ryutaro is 18 now and I think he's going to graduate high school this year, so really unless he plans on going to university...the reason of "focusing on his studies" doesn't apply anymore. But who knows? "Focusing on his studies" could mean something entirely else.

I'll be waiting for the day that I can say "Welcome Back" to Ryutaro. And then he can be like, "What's desu? I never left!" And then I will cry.

kisumai, hey say jump

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