Jun 23, 2005 00:10
Something real concerning Relay for Life. Not just an information post, at all.
You could just scroll by this, like many of you probably already have. Or just maybe you could take a second and read something penned from the heart by someone you consider a friend, at least as far as Livejournal goes, right? You may hate my guts for all I know, but that's not the point.
Let's be honest. It's not often that I write anything real on this journal, anymore. However, something's been on my mind. This Saturday many of us will be walking for the American Cancer Society. Some of us have been doing this for 4 years now, and annually working our butts off to raise donations for the cause. However, I feel we're a minority.
I know a lot of people think of Relay as this time to just meet up with your friends for 24 hours and hang out. While that is true, there is so much more to it for some of us.
As many of you may remember, in April of 2002, my grandmother was diagnosed with an early stage form of colon cancer. By August 2003, she was gone. I know for a fact, that everyone reading this knows SOMEONE whose life has been directly affected by the devestation of cancer.
I do this for HER. I do it for the rest of my family who could only watch helplessly as she withered away. I do it for my friends, who have also lost loved ones to cancer. I do this because I legitimately believe in the cause.
Sure, it's a great time to see people and socialize, but there is meaning to it for many of us.
If you aren't on a team and already fundraising, PLEASE come to the event, and partake in the fun, but also give whatever you could spare.
I mean... no one's just gonna buy booze with is, yanno?