
Jan 01, 2010 00:53

As the clock strikes twelve, a light envelopes Caketown, and you suddenly find yourself in an unfamiliar place. This isn't an event, it's a full-out transportation into a new world. Caketown is gone, and you won't be going back. The details will be explained, so there's no need to panic. It's time for a fresh start.




Storytelling aside, the reason for the move is the simple reason of wanting to help a friend. She preferred for us to not explain the full details (most of you know them anyway), but for several reasons, we'll be leaving and locking up Caketown. The new place will be a private RP, but there's no need to lock new posts or anything like that. Caketown will be a place we'll all miss and remember, but starting anew was a decision we all came to because it would be more exciting and fun compared to trying to pick Caketown back up-- especially since Priscilla and Bart are barely around.

Being in a new place doesn't mean everything is being done from scratch-- characters will still remember each other and everything that has happened to them in Caketown. We're just moving locations. Some changes will be made, and we'll try our best to bring everyone more events since characters will no longer be attending school.

I would actually like to ask you all a favor: If you've ever posted in the community, could you go back and lock your posts? Or just delete them if you find them unnecessary. No one will be kicked out of the community, and you can stay a part of it if you ever want to look back.

A tip to make things easier: Log out to find your posts. Heather has already locked many posts so if you log out you'll end up finding unlocked ones much easier.

As for character journals, you're free to lock those whether you want to or not. I know some people already do it just because, so it's up to you. We'll still be playing in journals just like we did before, so there's no need to make any huge changes.

One last thing! The add/drop post (in the new community) is up-to-date, so please update your lists!


And with that, sayonara shadow the hedgehog Caketown.
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