Thanksgiving Week 2010

Nov 27, 2010 01:10

I haven't posted anything in a while, so here I go (: First off, I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving holiday. My Thanksgiving was great, I spent it with my mom, best friend and my mom's ex boyfriend, who I love to death. We made lasagna, garlic bread, mashed potatoes, meatballs, and peach cobbler for dessert. I don't eat peach cobbler, but everyone told me it was great. After Thanksgiving dinner my best friend, Mindy, and I went to Walmart and met up with my ex JT. Mindy ended up going home around 2 AM, but JT and I stayed until 5 so he could buy me a new camera for Christmas (: I love that boy so much. After we got my camera, a new hat (with the mushroom from mario on it!) and a comforter, we went to Target. OH MAN. Target was crazy. However, he did get four seasons of House, I got A Rocket To The Moon's new cd, and we picked up Toy Story 3 for Mindy. It took us forever to get through the line to check out though. Then we had to go to Best Buy but thankfully we didn't buy anything there. Finally! We went to get breakfast from Denny's at 7:30 AM. After both of us almost passing out and eating there, I went home. What did I do when I got home? Slept from 9:45 AM to 4:45 PM. It was terrible. So now I'm up, doing nothing except letting my puppy sleep on my leg and watching King of the Hill. I also had to get a new phone, so now I'm stuck with a pay to go phone, but its okay cause it's nice (: I have a ton of homework I need to do over this upcoming weekend, so hopefully I'll be able to finish it all. My friend Matt just told me he'll go to the art museum with me tomorrow, which is good cause I didn't want to go alone haha. Now I just need to get some gas money.. Oh well, I'll ask mi madre (: I'm now going to go to bed, because I'm actually tired lol. Goodnight all (:

target walmart christmas, thanksgiving, camera

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