Talk to your Works in Progress meme

Nov 07, 2010 21:48

Really angsty feminist Sherlock ficlet about why Sally hates Sherlock, and also about child abuse and terrible things in Britain today.
Me: I like this, and it makes me feel like a proper feminist.
Voice that sounds a bit like my mum: Well, you need to do research, and be INCREDIBLY sensitive, which you don't really have time for what with you know UNIVERSITY. It seems like a bad idea to just rush something off for an ego trip.
Sally: Yeah, sweetheart, you need to work way harder on my characterisation, okay?
Little girl who is abused terribly: This feels like appropriation.

Sherlock fic in which Mrs Hudson is a former spy.
Mrs Hudson: Dear, when will you get round to actually writing this?
Me: Oh ... you know. Well, you see my kink for Russian Soviet stuff was slightly watered down by the fact that I got bored by Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy by the second chapter. So ... yeah.

Fic about a grief counsellor on the Enterprise.
OC: This is a reasonable idea, although a bit of easy angst tugging (not that that ever stopped you for), but the politics is very sixth form and sub-Polly Toynbee. Also, it is somewhat reminiscent of that other fic you wrote, A Tale of Many Drafts ... except that was better.
Me: Oh, but I wrote Drafts after I had started this!
OC: Yeah, but that was better.

Fic about Turlough, Tegan and the fifth Doctor that is several years in WIP status.
Me:Good God, you're awful. Really, wow. I can't do plot.

Fic about Joanna McCoy and her Daddy issues.
Joanna: Could you please stop projecting, hun? And also, your Southern USisms are like an uncle dancing at a wedding.
McCoy: Maybe you could, I don't know, deal with your issues, instead of using fictional characters to have conversations you're too cowardly to have. And if you are going to do this, could you do this properly.
Me: Sorry, y'all.
Joanna and McCoy: Kill me now.

ALSO: This is so awesome I may die.

feminism, meme, writing, fanfic, worries, liberal lefty, fan fic

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