Distracting myself with picspam!

Nov 02, 2012 00:27

I'm trying not to think about big dog's follow-up appointment tomorrow and just crossing that bridge when I come to it. She was doing much better for a couple of days, but now she's having another downswing. To prevent myself from angsting about this, here's some picspam.

I wore my Ravenclaw getup because I still lack Hufflepuff robes.

Sleepy kitties are the best kind.


Fuck Cassie Claire, we all know that Sharif is still the prettiest.

Sokka is suspicious. What else is new?

Other photos can be found on my DevArt page. /shameless self-promotion.

ravenclaw, halloween, kitties, harry potter, sharif, picspam, dachshund, cosplay

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