From left to right, Pippin, Jig and Aunt Beth's puppy, who is currently nameless.
After Mom came and took her sister's puppy up to her, Pippin and Jig played hard with Sokka and each other, wearing themselves out further.
This is the cycle they've been going through on their first day: play and explore and pounce and give lots and lots of puppy kisses, then conk out for an hour or so. I've tried to take photos of them playing, but they move too fast for me to get a good shot. Ah, well.
ETA: Forgot one.
I've got a lot of other things to talk about, but since I have a 9:00 TCD appointment (whatever that means) tomorrow and I'm actually starting to get sleepy before midnight for a change, I'ma leave you with these other pictures that were taken a few days ago and which I just now uploaded, and save the talky stuff for tomorrow.
Another summer, another picture of a pink-haired girl and her dachshund navy.
Max is the very embodiment of class and grace. I half expected him to start scratching his non-existent balls.