^^Anyone who gets the above reference wins ten billion awesome-points.
So today was a good library day, considering that the local library's selection is crap and you're only allowed to check books out for two weeks at a go. Still, today I came home with:
Bloody Jack: Curse of the Blue Tattoo, Being an Account of the Misadventures of Jacky Faber, Midshipman and Fine Lady, by L.A. Meyer.
Postmodern Magic, by Patrick Dunn.
Sick Puppy, by Carl Hiaasen (which is entirely
norabombay's fault).
Ultimate Spider-Man, Hollywood and X-Men, Eve of Destruction, Marvel
Trinity and Batman: War Games 1 & 2, DC.
Would've happily gotten more, but that was the only Hiaasen book, the only Bloody Jack book, there was only one Pratchett and I already have it, and there were no titles from the other authors I trust not to suck in bad ways. Also, two-week limit. Still, I should have some fun with what I got, especially now that I've managed to tear away from Oblivion again.
Speaking of, Misty Bogscale the Mastermind Argonian just became Arch-Mage and is the Grey Fox, but she's paused indefinitely right before the Purification quest in the Dark Brotherhood. I haven't quite decided if it's "in-character" for her to kill her entire adopted family (including her vampire sire, Vicente) just for the sake of promotion. It was for Jhana, the Khajiit Hunter-Mage (who is also Arch-Mage and the Listener of the DB), but she regretted it forever, and killed the real traitor extra, super dead (I firmly believe that the end-traitor was framing someone from the Cheydinhall Sanctuary, and they were all innocent [of treachery, if nothing else XD], even the asshole cat), then put his mother's head on display at the Sanctuary as a warning. Anyway, Misty's ambitious, but in the case of the Thieves' Guild she flew through the ranks because she loves the challenge of stealing shit from people who really, really don't want her to; in the case of the Mages' Guild, it's because everyone else there is a goddamned idiot and they clearly need her there to whip them into shape. Literally. "YOU RAN INTO AN OBVIOUS SPIKE TRAP, YOU MORON. NO I AM NOT GOING TO HEAL YOU. THE NECROMANCERS CAN HAVE YOU, FOR ALL I CARE. Azura's tits, I work with a bunch of idiots."
I have to say that I enjoy the pre-Purification quests more each time I play through them. I even created a separate file for the Summitmist Manor quest. Best Whodunnit (You done it!) ever. I like coming up with theories as to the motives and backstories behind each contract. For instance, I think that Baenlorn's killing was contracted by his nephew, who inherited the place. I think Roderick's death was orchestrated by one of his followers, not out of hate, but out of love, pity and a desire for his suffering to end. I think that Faelian murdered Lorkmir (the guy whose house he'd been using for his skooma habit), and the contract was ordered either by his long-suffering girlfriend, a member of Lorkmir's family, or Faelian himself. He certainly seemed stupid enough to do it, either because the skooma goblins told him to or entirely by accident.
Anyway, regardless of whether or not Misty Bogscale would be the sort (unlike Teliil, who doesn't even want to see the Fighters' Guild and Mages' Guild quests through) to complete the Purification, I don't know if I can go through that twice. I still feel guilty from the first time. Even had a dream one time that I warned them all beforehand, and convinced them to scatter and change their identities, but in the end Lucien found out and told me I had to kill them myself or he'd kill me too. That was a sadder and more disturbing dream than even the horribly gory ones, and a really good argument against the idea that video games desensitize you. I still feel like a total dork getting upset over a bunch of fictional murderous psychopaths, though.