Mar 31, 2010 01:03
Dad and I just watched Ponyo. Oh my god, I am dead from the shear adorable awesome. Beautiful animation, adorable character interaction, fun plot, great voice acting, and all sorts of wonderful little details. Just a fantastic movie. Also, Sosuke's mom, Lisa, is one hell of a fierce bitch. ♥ She kind of reminds me of what Yukari would be like on Valium and maturity, except I don't think Yukari could ever hope to out-drive her. Dayum.
Also, reasons number 9739-9744 why Pokemon HG/SS is the greatest thing since sliced bread.
9739: Viridian Forest is back in its full form!
9740: The missing Safari Zone of G/S/C is back in a new location! And there's a Pal Park in the old place, so it's not going to waste!
9741: The Seafoam Islands are also back!
9742: I got to wear a fucking Rocket uniform! Until that asshole Jagoff came and ripped it off of me. Douche. Wish I could've filed charges, or had Gilgamesh flamethrower him.
9743: Mount Moon is also back!
9744: I CAUGHT ARTI-FUCKING-CUNO! And it only took me half an hour and 55 ultra balls/dusk balls! I named it Katara as a placeholder while I think of a perma-name for it. I'm going to retire Philaminte the Honchkrow to Box Awesome and take on my new icy bird as a permanent member of the team.
On a far less squeeful note, everything M. Night Shyamalan has said and done regarding The Last Airbender movie has been complete and utter FAIL. It's not enough that the formerly Asian/Inuit heroes are now white (not to mention shitty actors) and the only non-white characters are either villains or extras, or that he's missed the whole point of the series and is trying to make it as GRIMDARK EDGY as possible, or that he's removed all of the Asian elements from the setting and reworked them until they're only vaguely Asian and thus non-threatening to sheltered white audiences, or that he's changed the entire way that firebending works and thus destroying the point of the war's success, the importance of the eclipse AND Sozin's Comet, or that he's changed the pronunciation of half the names, OR that he's praised Twilight as "a perfect movie" (unrelated, but seriously, WTF?), now he has the fucking BALLS to say that this movie is a "tentpole of diversity," and that the aforementioned use of white actors as the heroes and actors of color as villains/extras is "ironic." IRONY DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY YOU FUCKING STUPID ASS OF SHIT! SWEET ZOMBIE CHRIST ON A POGO STICK WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU? GOD. < insert 50 billion .gifs of RAGE here >
ghibli is awesome,
fucking morons,
i am become death destroyer of worlds,
fuck that shit,
brain breakage,
why you do this?,
we hates it forever,
stupidity should hurt,