Barn stuff.

Aug 25, 2009 21:08

After several weeks of rain, sickness and plain laziness, I have gone to the barn every day for the past three days. Let's see how long I can keep this up. Anyway, Sharif's doing great. I didn't ride today, but I did yesterday and Sunday, and he was a very good boy like always, even when Samara the barn cat was running around like a psycho.
I groomed both Rippy and RJ those days too, but today Bonnie was able to make it out so I left that up to her. They're both doing great as well, but Rippy is a pain and a half to catch. Little fucker will let you get up close, then fake you out and take off in the other direction. Took me twenty minutes to catch him on Sunday, the bastard. You wouldn't think he could move that fast, what with him missing six lbs. of muscle in his right hip. Anyway, he may be the
-est horse on the planet, but in the end I won out. Silly boy. Wasn't even like I made him work; I just groomed his fat ass and put cream on his scar. Luckily, RJ is much easier to catch, so I didn't have to half-kill myself twice in one day.

Speaking of RJ, Bonnie rode him today for the first time in weeks, and dear Om has that horse made progress. The last few times he was ridden he would refuse to go forward unless someone got behind him with the lunge-whip, and today he was not only walking forward on cue, but trotting, turning and stopping beautifully, too. And all of this was with Bonnie's dad hanging around. Usually we can't get him to mind at all when Randall's nearby, because he spoils him rotten, so RJ's good behavior was doubly impressive. I swear I'm so proud of that horse I could just Liz. ♥ He earned his carrots today.

So anyway, my classes started today. This looks like it's going to be an easy semester. Yup. Not much else to say, other than I managed to finish some really cool doodles during class. We're talking midget firebreathing dragon-horse with chicken feet and mini-robot riders. Wicked sweet. Yep.

sharif, ramblings, rippy is an evil bastard, stables

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