
Aug 20, 2009 23:33

Oh gods so sick. Why am I allergic to like, half the antibiotics in existence? Stupid medicine. Stupid stomach. Stupid dentist, stupid mitral valve, stupid fibro argh argh argh.

As for the longass Hilton Head post I promised? Yeah, fuck that noise. We drove ten hours, slept on horrifically uncomfortable and musty beds, packed furniture and lived mainly off of PBJ because our only transportation was a bigass moving truck which we weren't technically supposed to have in the neighborhood for some reason and therefore we were stuck there the whole time. I did manage to walk down to the beach a couple of times, and along the way I got attacked by mosquitoes, spiders and malevolent cacti. Luckily, the rashes are almost gone now. As for my grandfather...the less said the better. Let me just say that it was really hard to see him like he is now, and it was hard to see his house so empty after we were done, knowing that I'll never see it again. So it goes.

By the way, Angie, sorry I disappeared on you on AIM the other night. I had a dizzy spell and went to lay down for a minute, and the next thing I knew the sun was rising. Whoops.

sick, family, lol allergies

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