Mar 01, 2009 22:44
Here's a little update on the whole motorcycle debacle. Mom and dad both took spills as well; dad scraped up his right shoulder and leg a little bit, but he's fine now, and mom, as soon as she realized she was falling, jumped clear and only has a teeny bruise on her knee. Not fair. Apparently we were the only three who fell, but at least we suck as a family. They both passed, though, so I'm happy for them.
As for the problems I had with the bikes, it turns out that A)the shortest bike they had (the one I was on) was still too tall for me. "We have bikes for everyone" my bruised ass. B) The clutch was broken, as in I wasn't too weak to close it, it was just plain stuck. That all made me feel a little better about myself, but it's kind of irritating because I almost gave myself a heart attack trying to control a bike that I had no chance of controlling.
On the upside, they did give me a refund, so at least I didn't waste $225 and have a motorcycle fall on me. Also, they said I may be able to find a program that'll let me learn on scooters. If not, I'll wait until they do. No way I'm going through that again.