Yes, I know everyone else has already seen the latest Avatar episodes on Youtube or whatever, but I was too lazy to look 'em up and ended up waiting until they (fucking finally) showed on Nick. I just watched The Boiling Rock, and have some thoughts which I'll be putting under a cut, since someone else out there might've been living under a rock and might not appreciate spoilers, even though it's mostly going to be incoherent rambling and squeeing. Anywho.
1. Oh, my GOD I motherfucking love Suki. There's really not much more that can be said about her.
2. I'm glad I named my dachshund after Sokka.
3. I like Zuko and all, but he's such a gigantic emo dork that he could be a webcomic character. He's even got the obligatory hot goth girlfriend. I mean, c'mon. All he needs is a crazy genius best friend, a dysfunctional family, some cute animal sidekicks and-O WAIT.
4. Despite certain events, Azula/Ty Lee is still my OTP. My theory is that while Ty Lee was and still is devoted to Azula, she didn't want her to kill Mai, especially since Azula would probably take some damage in the process despite her general badassery. The best way to protect them both was to take out Azula, who wouldn't hesitate to torch an incapacitated Mai. I think it hurt her deeply, though, and in more ways than one. I also think that Azula was far more surprised and hurt by Ty Lee's apparent betrayal than she was by Mai's, even if you look at it from a "just friends" perspective. I also think that she'd never admit it to anyone ever, even under the worst torture imaginable. TL;DR blah blah summary: Azula and Ty Lee are great big lesbians for each other and always will be, despite any inconvenient backstabbings and brutal murders that might happen along the way.
5. Toph, in addition to being generally awesome, always has her priorities in order.
6. Katara has more right than anyone (except Aang) to hate and mistrust Zuko, but so far she's been remarkably civil. The boy needs a few death threats every now and then to keep him in line. I'd say I can't believe there was so much wank about her attitude towards him back when that episode premiered, but it'd be a lie. This is internet fandom, after all.
7. They had so better not pull a Hedwig on Appa and Momo in the finale.
8. I still wonder if the real reason Aang can't enter the Avatar State isn't Azula's lightning-blast to the back, but rather his inability to give up his love for Katara. I've no opinion on the various shipping wars, mind, I'm just curious about that plot point.
In other news, my back deck is currently home to a bunch of wee little toads and some extremely well-fed geckos. I love summer. ♥