Of horses and stealth dachshunds

May 16, 2007 23:49

Sharif was long overdue to have his hooves trimmed, and once I found my farrier's number (which is now back on speed dial where it belongs) I called to schedule an appointment, thinking he wouldn't be able to make it out here for a while. It turned out, however, that he was in the neighborhood, so I headed out to the stable around noon to get Sharif ready. He's really looking great; shedding season is over and his coat is soft and shiny. He seemed very happy to see me after such a long absence, and he wolfed down all of the treats I gave him. ♥ He was a perfect angel for the farrier (he loves getting his nails done) and he even liked the new deworming pellets I got. They were a lot easier to administer than the paste dewormer, not to mention neater. All those perfectly good shirts forever blotched by paste dewormer...

Anyway, it was great to see Sharif again, and I'm glad I got his hooves and such taken care of, but I really overdid it just by going out there. I didn't fully understand this until I got home and fell asleep for four hours before waking up in a cold sweat with an all-new appreciation for shoulder pain. I fucking hate shingles.

Later, after I got out of bed only to go sit on the couch, I came to another realization. The absolute surefire way to get a dachshund in my lap is to get under a blanket. The thing is, I don't remember Sokka crawling under the blanket with me. I don't even remember him jumping on the couch. There was only a sudden realization that he was just there, and I was all, "Y HALO THAR, DACHSHUND." I am officially living in a house full of ninja pets.

sharif, sokka

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