May 24, 2005 14:18
well here it is , many people have been asking me what the fuck is going on and why im going to court. well heres the story.. my manager left to go to england, so i was stuck with the next person in charge who becmae manager who NOONE likes not even the head office of the company but shes so oblivious to it all, we let her live in her bubble and make fun of her as much as we all can till we wet our pants with laughter. Even my friends that walk past that dont evenm know i hate her look for me and say they only saw some mole at the counter, everyone seems to call her a mole, cool :). Well that week we were having massive fights, amy cos came into my work and i almost cried, burst into tears really, i was so distressed and had had the worst day ever, i almost quit like 4 times, only being told by my other worker of whom i called many times that day to just call the area manager and complain, which i ended up doing and he said he was going to have talks with her the next day. Shes such a crap manager, i work my ass off and she gets bitchy telling the area manager i do nothing, whroeface!
Its not the first time someones fessed up about her to the areamanager, a huge bitchfight almost brokeout in the foodcourt between another worker and the manager. Well, we we working on friday and my manager takes her break and sits in the bakc room (sus to me) my bag is always open in the backroom, the backroom is a craphole mess with stock everywhere. Well anyway i was just purchasing my staff uniform as i was about to leave to catch a train back to terrys, she checked my OPEN bag and there appeared to be sunglasses in there. 2 pairs, i mean wtf i cant even wear sunnies i look like a tard in all sunglasses. And she found a scarf that a co-worker had given me which she had been given by the previous manager. She said that wasnt an issue but she still took it from me? wtf you fatarse make up your mind. And she was making up there was 3 pairs of sunnies and 2 scarves.. i DONT know what her problem is. i was like wtf cuz i had never seen them before and they were in my bag, wtf! and they were on the top of my bag, if i was stupid enough to steal i would have at least hidden them. She made me put my bag on the counter while she rummaged through my bag with her hands.. TAMPERING!! oh and apparentally i "hung up" her phone call, "threw" the glasses and accused her of putting them there. I know she put them there that whorebag, i would have rathered she just fired me for revenge and not try and get me convicted. Dad said there are some real shitheads in this world that take things too far and shes just one of them, a spiteful bitch. Because i stepped over her authority , because i wasnt going to let her try and walk all over me. Apprentally that coudlve pissed her off, she has so many motives to do this to me, but i cant blame her in court because it would be called something else oh its called defamation. I wanna take this further after the case im in now and try and sue her, whoreface.
The police and legal system is so so stupid, because im under 18 i get legal-aid for childrens court which is a free solicitor, they told me on the phone at the police station not to make a statement, so i didnt. BUT the legal aid solicitor was some dude thatwas going to appear at my court case at the last minute, NOT knowing me or my case?! wtf they want me to get convicted or what?! So apparentally we're spending thousands of dollars on a solictor that can help me, a good one thank god. The solicitor said that if i had just pleaded guilty that night at the police station i would have gotten a caution and not have to go to court. I half believe, that but im innocent why would i want to plead gulty to something i havent done? mum thinks it couldve gone wrong if i had pleaded guilty. oh well im innocent so fuck everyone in the system. The police said, court case in like 6 weeks, ACTUALLY my solicitor said more like 3-4 months..shitheads once again.
I cant believe i was put under arrest, hes like you know that dont you, "say yes" im like yeh yeh whatever are u handcuffing me?, hes like do you plan on running, im like fuck that ive been on my feet all day and im too lazy. I wasnt handcuffed, i was gonna ask them to in the car ...variety hahah nah, just so i can say ive been handcuffed and for the experience, i think i may be crazy. Maybe even a little sadistic, i was so calm, i was even smiling, i was just like i know im innocent and i dont deserve anything bad. I was even asking if i could have food outta my bag at the police station, i made like 70 calls that afternoon and recieved just as many. Terry called me and we talked for like an hr when i was put in "the soft room" then mum and dad came and i burst out crying...weakling. We recieved papers and stuff and talked to legal-letsfuckyouup-aid and i left the station only to see my managers boyfriend waiting, she was obviously making a whore statement, Man shes such a CHUBBYCHASER! her boyfriend has a nose the size of china! i was willing to wait outside until she came out but mum and dad pulled me im violent.. well shes NOT walking away from this clean. Apparrentally she was there for longer than i was, she deserves her time to be wasted.
Her motives i think is that she hates me, hated being told off by the area manager, the reward for catching other staffmembers, and she had a resignation form out. I think it was, set up caitlin, get reward, piss off to the corners of the earth. If shes at my case im demanding she fucks off after she makes her little lie statement. Shes such a scowling faced mole. even my friends that came in the other day hated her and they didnt even speak to her, she was daeth staring them and then telling me not to get my friends to bitch about her in future and to get them not to be in the backroom. they werent, and bitch u deserve to be talked about badly, your nothing better than a hiv infected disabled person who works on the side as a prostitute.
So there it is. Thats my story, and uh yeh if u want to come to my case please do. let me know, bye