Dec 08, 2009 23:48
Hmm, today was quite interesting. I spent most of it lazing about until I finally convinced myself to move.
I was working on my head for Hallox, which should be good, I hope I can get it finished. - I promised photo's but I don't have a way of getting any right now. = 3=;
Though, I must say it looks pretty good. ;DD The ears are finally working. I was about to kill something I swear. D: They are so stupid. >:U
kjfgnbgkjnb I need to chill I think. I have been getting angry at mum all night for no apparent reason. n_n;; My bad...
She won't leave me alone though, but I sorta need her there, iunno. I want her there, but I wish she wouldn't talk so much. It's as if she is explaining one thing in several ways... Actually, that is what she is doing; so I cut her off saying I understand and I get the guilt trip. Yay~
I want to be happy again. -_- Being angry and sad is boring and annoying. FF. I feel so hurt over the stupidest things. I swear at this point I would be sad if the wind decided to blow a different direction. :/
But, I guess that's the way it goes. ><
I am seeing my councelloorrr tomorrow. Maybe I can tell her some things I haven't been able to let out for a while. :/ I really feel like crying. > w<
Maybe I'll do that when I go to bed... Mum won't know. :/ She doesn't hear. I am super sneaky like that. ;DD
- Anyway. I will try and get the photo's up tomorrow! :D
Goodbye lovely's. ;D