Nov 28, 2009 20:32
Right now I am home alone, doing nothing, and now I am finding myself posting on lj.
I never used to... But then I realized that no one from my school will ever read this. 8D Oh it's so great. <3
Speaking of school, I want it to be over, fair sure it goes for at least a week or two, too long. >_> Next year it won't be as long. Weeeee year 10! :DD
Finally, something to look forward to other than Christmas. ;DD
I ate tonnes tonight. I think I may have gained a few. DAMN YOU FATTY FOODS. >:I
Ugh. I am so over people complaining about weight... I know I do, but the ones where you can physically find not one ounce of fat on them, those are the ones that annoy me the most.
Oh yeah, blog... yep. I remembered why I was posting this.
I really wanted to write stuff, in fact I wasn't even going to post a blog anywhere, because people would surely be over emo crap by now. I was going to write up my own little personal journal in word and you wouldn't even have to know. n_n
But then I remembered I was at Richards house ( mums new boyfriend ) and I can't save a journal on his computer. That would just be silly.
So! Yes, fun. I can only imagine how thrilling this blog must be.
That's all i've got guys. 8D
Bye~ x.