New LTR Banner

Oct 15, 2008 06:00

[Sorry if you were looking for straight spn-art, I'm allowed my little deviations into the world of fanfic, right?? ^^']

New Ltr banner! ^^' Well, it's actually more of a reworking of an old one, throwing in some more skin Luke. Plus, I wanted to do something a bit different for me, bit different colour-wise. All of which is retarded, because I'm down to about 2/3 readers now and not going to get any new ones unless I can think of some way to trick people into it. ><

Silly Cat!

So, once again I present! The Really, Really, Really Ridiculously Good-Looking Enfields!
[that gorgeous thing on the left is Luke, baby brother & Sammy-to-the-Dean of Morgan, that badass mofo on the right. B)]
[link to animated version]

[which I then incorporated into this showcase/blinkie-banner, which is now my sig on!!]

You know, it's really wonderful, sometimes, how people react to your writing. I have my couple of loyal followers [and others whose RLs are being a biatch - so, fair's fair] but recently there was this scene which was basically almost a whole chapter of dialogue between Sam & Dean, extremely emotional, important life & death stuff they were dealing with, and the reaction I got from my readers just warmed my heart. They said they were living each moment with the boys, which was so exactly what I was going for [a sort of handheld-cam feel, lol] that I was just delighted.

D'you think it's cuz our fandom's so awesome?

I think it's cuz our fandom's so awesome. :D

Even if you're not familiar with the fic [that's going to be 99.9% of you] I'd still love any feedback you have for me! ^^'


banners, ficart

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