[No, not the Shawn Mullins version from, like, a decade ago, or the one the mother elephant sang in Dumbo - it's the Newton Faulkner Lullaby!]
The Time - Stupid O'Clock.
The Place - My Brain.
The Result - Shmoop.
Watched Metamorphosis today *natch*
[remind anyone else of The Fly?]
Anywho! After all that punching and shouting and frigid silence between Sam and Dean, I thought: Y'know... there just wasn't *enough* bromo wibble in that ep! So at first I was going to manp those two sleeping shots together [of the boys from AYTG?] But there wasn't enough 'holding' going on for my liking. So then I thought I'd make a banner of Sammy. Sleeping! Cradled in the impala's headlights!! Or possibly Dean's arms. ><
*le sigh*
If you're not lost . . .
. . . I guess that makes you found.
Snag at will!
I'm going to dab daintily at my eyes with a tissue now.