Apr 05, 2006 19:31
This morning I woke up in a hot puddle of sweat on my bed, fuck it no need for a shower. I got up, slap on some clothes put my ninja memorabilia on and started off the day. This involved me sitting in front of the computer contemplating whether masturbation is a good or bad idea and how much time I would waste if I did settle on masturbating, so I didn’t. Instead, Amber came over and we took a long bike ride to Arvest bank and then all the way across town for some cigarettes. Yes, it's a long and 90 degree road to the sweet salvation of poison pleasures, but it wasn't too bad. We stopped by at this guy named "Josh's" house in which he gave us kool aid. We talked to him and his comrades for awhile they invited us to a camp out tomorrow.
I personally hate camping; I can't sleep without the blare of the TV. I'm so adapted to the sweet features of capitalism, that a tv is like another person is in the room with me, watching over me. I came to this realization when the Moore tornado hit here and I was the only one at my house, letting the tv guide my brain out of impending death, hahah. Yeaah.
So if you can't tell I'm trying to make this entry seem somewhat worth reading. For myself and the few that read this thing. You know people only read these damn things to get dirt or find out if they were mentioned. So lets mention a few people that I don’t know.
Lips the magic turtle.
Hipster Mc Hip.
Apple the green girl.
Crotch-rocker Carlson.
You're so silly Alex. You're so god damn silly. WHY ARE YOU SO FUCKING SILLY? WHY DO YOU BREED SILLINESS?
I got these ideas in my head, all these ideas. I don’t really know where to put them, I need a tool. Jordan use to be my old tool in which he would export my ideas like a film projector, god why am I so god damn pseudo-intellectual faggot? Fuck you Alex. Point is these days, these days they come they go and I'll end it there, we got back to my house ate some Ice-cream now I’m going to go watch train spotting. And just so no one will leave a whole comment about how awesome of a movie Train Spotting is, I'm going to mention that someone is probably going to tell me how awesome the movie Train Spotting is.