Name: Kukki
Livejournal Username:
AIM/MSN: shokora kukki
Current Characters at Luceti:
salvationfounddivinepooch Character
Name: Luke fon Fabre
Fandom: Tales of the Abyss
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (mentally 7)
Time Period: Post Absorption Gate, before Tear joins up with him.
Wing Color: Red fading to blond, like his haaair |D
HeeeerePersonality: When Luke first started out, he was whiny, extremely selfish and spoiled, narrow minded and incredibly impatient. As well as he should be, considering he grew up in a very sheltered environment and was smothered by maids who would practically brush his own hair for him. Basically, he was like a little kid who would stomp his foot and throw a hissyfit if he didn't get his way. There was an element of kindness to him, however, so that would make him more of a jerk with a heart of gold rather than a jerkass… except when Van happened to mention that he could become a SUPER HERO if he'd just do what he said. Suddenly, Luke focused on this and felt as if Van was the only one who understands him, and who can blame him? Van was the father who didn't treat him with disrespect and didn't give him much sass, not to mention how the rest of the party would withhold secrets and then scold him for not trusting them. Everything became about Van, and Luke closed himself off to everyone and became a grade A jerkass.
Of course, it all changed when the Akzeriuth disaster occurred. Luke was suddenly abandoned by the one man that he trusted the most and tossed aside as if his usefulness was done with. But he still fiercely defended him and himself, because it was them against the world… a world that he just destroyed. He didn't even know what he did, but everyone, everyone turned their backs on him and left him just as Van did. That is, everyone except the stupid little thing that annoyed the hell out of him. On top of that, upon arriving in Yulia City, Asch happened to show up and tell Luke that he was basically just a clone of himself, and that really made Luke nothing but a pawn for Van. It all snapped Luke into starting a fight with Asch, only to lose and, through their connection, really see just what he had done and how much of a jerk he was to everyone. It's with that that he resolves to start over, do his best to change himself, and try his damndest to atone for his actions by helping others.
At this point, Luke is all about determination, curiosity about the world around him, reaching out to others, resolve, and trying to make up for everything by helping everyone ever. He stopped St. Binah from becoming another Akzeriuth by evacuating everyone first, just as he should have done in the first place, and doing so with vigor and zeal (even going so far as to carry an old man on his back and dive for a child about to be killed by Dist's fon machine). He's desperate to change both himself and the world he's in, and eventually, he succeeded. But over the course of all of this, he wondered what kind of purpose his life had… It was because he was born that the Score went off track, that Asch was denied the life that he should have had, that he was such a pompous idiot in the first place. Knowing that he had a purpose in his life would've at least made him feel like his life had meaning, which might be another reason why he ran around so much trying to do everything. But then Van ruined it all by informing Luke that, really, the only reason he was created was to destroy Akzeriuth. And now he was useless.
Luke may have succeeded in lowering the outer lands and possibly saving the world, but Van's words hit him hard. A month later and after living in the Fabre mansion, Luke felt as if he truly didn't belong. It's where Asch belonged, after all. And it's not like Luke really has the right to live there… He's the fake son, after all. The one who really should've died, or, rather, should never have been born.
So, Luke at this time period is an odd mix of everything described above plus a few other things. The jerkass part of his personality has mostly left him, although he'll still find himself groaning and moaning about something that's taking way too much work. "What a pain!" is practically his catchphrase. He's still reluctant to help the warehouse guys, even though it's pretty easy to do. He will bitch about not getting a slice of delicious cake, and he's still horribly blunt about things like appearances. But other than that, he'd rather put all of that behind him and never think about it again except to laugh bitterly at himself.
The most important part of his personality, the part that Luke clings to, is the fact that he still wishes to help people. He wants to do whatever he can for anyone he can reach out to. The incident at Akzeriuth still weighs heavily on his shoulders, and at this point, it seems like no matter what he does, he'll never be able to atone for it. After all, he still has nightmares about it. Those are thousands of lives he took, and reaching a helping hand to thousands of people won't change that. Still, he tries. It's that weight plus being told that he had no use in the world caused him to become extremely insecure with himself. "Can you not live unless you were born for some purpose?" No, it seems. He mopes, he's hesitant in his speech, and he's suddenly unsure if he's really the one people should be counting on.
Now, this doesn't mean people can't count on him. Just because he's down on himself doesn't mean he won't bring anyone else down. As Guy once said to him, "You manage to find a silver lining for everyone's situation except your own". He wants everyone else to be happy and to see the silver lining in their life, and he'll do whatever it takes for that to happen. Make them laugh, smile, stay in the room if they're sad, or even duck out of their life. He does hold his friends on a higher pillar than other people, as most people are apt to do, but everyone still gets that "holier than me" treatment.
A big, big part of his personality that stays with him from beginning to end is his naiveté. He has the mind of a seven year old child, and though he may act mature in the last half of the game, it definitely shows through in bright and shining colors. He barely knows anything about the world around him, only what the rest of the party decided to tell him. Even now, he'll still ask what the heck something is, and since cutting his hair, he's grown much more curious about everything. His focus isn't on his home anymore, but on the world and the people in it, and thus he wants to ask everything about them. Sometimes, he'll even misunderstand things as a child would, like thinking that scolding was a good thing after the mayor of St. Binah told him that Jade scolded him because he liked him, or declaring that Asch loves Guy when he didn't realize what the implications meant. Luke is sometimes very blunt, going as far as to insult people with it, although he really doesn't know any better and will apologize (or more often than not, be further confused and frustrated) when the person walks away with a huff. He has little patience, although he's been working on that. In the past, this was to the EXTREME, and today, he'll want to get stuff done quickly, but reluctantly calms down if he realizes it's not going to happen soon. Also, things aren't going to be obvious for him unless it's explained to him clearly. He looks at the big picture, not the detail involved in it. If he accidentally insults someone and they react with the cold shoulder, he's not going to realize why until someone clearly tells him "Oh you just hurt his feelings". But at least he'll do his best to make sure the person is happy again.
One thing that creates a whole level of awkward with him is the fact that, despite his seven year old mind, he has the body of a seventeen year old. It probably explains all the drastic mood changes and even his bitchy attitude from before - HORMONES. Tear's breasts are considered melons to him and he gets blushy and awkward around any girl who compliments him in a way that makes him genuinely feel better about himself and the situation. He gets odd little ~*~feelings~*~ that he doesn't really know about, and in turn, it just makes him feel weird. I'm sure he was told about these kinds of things, but it's still hard for his mind to wrap around.
TL;DR Luke is a kid in a teenaged body and is an insecure little bitch with a heart of gold with a silver lining. :|b
Luke doesn't show off his abs for nothing. He's pretty physically strong, and he's become a great swordsman thanks to all of his training and fighting. AND EXERCISE. Luke isn't abnormally strong or anything, but he's at least on par with an athlete. He also uses artes in battle, many of which involve knocking down the enemy LIKE A BOSS.
He also has the ability to use hyperresonance, which can destroy all matter (or carve into something to make handy dandy little instructions or messages!), but Luke will probably never use it unless he has to. Bad memories and all. There's also the fact that, despite all of his training, he still doesn't have good control over it.
For all the moaning and whining and complaining he did in the beginning, Luke tends to adapt pretty well when forced into a new situation. Sure, he still fails at it, but at least he never had a complete breakdown until everything bad that could ever happen did. He has a strong amount of determination, too, if he really sets his mind to it. He may get down a few times, but all it takes is some encouraging words from his friends, and he's back on his feet. Considering that's really all his friends need to do, that shows an absurd amount of resolve. He's carrying the weight of 10,000 lives that he took, and yet he still keeps trucking on. It takes a lot to get up and move, but he will do it. He has all those lives to make up for, after all. And… I suppose… he's also good at solving puzzles? Considering he cleaned up the warehouses for those guys.
LUKE LOVES TO HELP PEOPLE seriously if he can just see that this could possibly be a good purpose in his life then he'd be extremely good at it. I wouldn't say he has empathy, but he certainly has a lot of sympathy and the willingness to go through with the instinct to fix the source of it right up. Luke has a tremendous amount of courage, too; When he was stalking trying to find Asch, it occurred only to Guy, who'd known him all his life, that he was actually terrified of seeing him. But he still went through with it and ended up wibbling over the meeting. He has a ton of will and resolve, both for other people and himself, and can always see the bright side… for someone else's problems, that is.
And unlike a lot of the Tales heroes, Luke actually has a problem with killing people. Jade himself says that Luke trembles at night after they've had to kill a bandit or some other person. Whether this is a strength or a weakness in Luceti, though…
Luke may have ridiculous abs, but they're certainly not of steel. It is very possible to kill him, especially since he's… definitely not the fastest guy in battle. He can't use fonic artes, which are pretty much magical offensive/defensive spells in battle. He's not too interested in it either, so he'd be very slow to learn magic, if at all. Heck, when Tear was teaching him how to control his hyperresonance, it takes a large portion of the game to just let him get the basics down. And, as I said, controlling said hyperresonance is still a difficult thing for him, but he plans on never trying to use it anyway.
LOL LOTS. He has the mind of a child, so he's very naïve and even has the handwriting of a Cheagle (meaning, very bad). On the other hand, when carving the instructions into the passage rings, the handwriting seemed to be just fine… Maybe it's different with hyperresonance. And because he grew up extremely sheltered, Luke barely knows about the world, often questioning things that are common knowledge to everyone else. And now that he's not RUNNING AROUND TRYING TO SAVE THE WORLD FROM EVERYTHING EVEEEER, he's gonna be a lot more curious about stupid things.
One major weakness in this category is his insecurity. That's the biggest thing that'll keep him down. Luke feels as if he doesn't belong anywhere, like he doesn't have a purpose. At this point, it's at an all time low since he didn't feel comfortable in his own home. He feels inferior to his original, but he still went and took everything away from him. Unintentionally, of course, but he still feels that he's at fault, and that he's become nothing more than a replacement. His only saving grace from this is that he's sometimes vocal about his feelings on the matter, leading his friends to pick him back up and ensure that he has his own life to live. Doesn't really solve the problem, but it does keep him going for a few more steps. And heck, it gets so bad sometimes that he wonders if it'd be better off for everyone if he died.
He hangs on, though, for the sake of those lives he took. It's just a problem that he suffers from every day, especially with the knowledge that Asch is still alive out there, living on his own like an angry cockatiel in a life that wasn't meant for him.
He still clings to Van, enough to continue calling him "Master", even though he knows that he's a twisted man. It's that same sort of attachment that a child would have for a father, especially one who seemed so loving, only to dump them away quite suddenly. He knows that his actions are inexcusable, but a small part of him keeps hoping for the man to give him some reason to live. Even after all the things Luke accomplished, it was Van's confirmation that Luke was useless after Akzeriuth that made him withdraw and become insecure about his life. Despite his friends obviously caring for him and having an Important Pep Talk with each of them before fighting him, it was Van's words that made him believe that he didn't belong anywhere, not even with them. He tried to break away, but the fact that he was about to cry while talking to him just before their big fight shows just how much influence Van still holds over him. Basically, if Van went to him in ghost form and told him to jump off a cliff? Luke would probably deny it, but then think about it and angst about it and maybe even consider it.
There's also the HORMONES thing going on, which just confuses him and makes him have mood swings from hell. Also, he is a typical boy. He likes to hit things, and if there's a brawl going on, Luke can and will jump into it, especially if one of his friends (read: GUY) drags him into it. He'll throw the occasional and mild temper tantrum if things don't go his way, a remnant of his past self. All of those annoying traits you see in little boys? Are in Luke, although he usually handles it easier and quickly gets over the moments when he falls back into such behavior.
Samples (ALL samples must be set in Luceti-verse.)
First Person: Augh, my head… Did the- nngh, did they come back? [He lets out another pitiful groan, before he realizes…] No… This one isn't like the others. [OH MY GOD HE'S HAVING A NORMAL HEADACHE FOR ONCE WHAT EVEN
After taking another moment to recover, he finally looks up to check out his surroundings.] … Uh oh. [Some shuffling sounds as he stands up and continues to look, somewhat more frantically than before.] Oh no… Mieu? Mieu, where are you? Dammit, answer me, Thing!
[No response. In a moment of personal despair, Luke plops right back to the ground and glares at the ground, as if the dirt itself was the reason why he was pulled here.] Tch… If anyone could get lost like this on a boat, it'd be me, huh? Heh… figures. [He chuckles helplessly to himself… and there's a growing realization that he's never truly been out in a forest like this completely by himself. He always had Tear, or Mieu, or Guy… or someone who could lead the way and point to the next village, or at least talk to him while they do so.]
… I'm not that worthless.
[He stands up again. He's READY. He's DEFINITELY going to find the way out of here!]
Moss grows on the… south side of a tree, right? I'll head that way first and see where I go!
[… Or not. As he studies the trees and makes an about face to wander in the completely wrong direction, however, he steps on an open book. Huh. He bends down to study it, giving Luceti a clear view of a young man with short, scraggly hair and green eyes peering curiously at the pages before he makes a slightly frustrated face.]
Man, this isn't even my journal… And where the hell did my shirt go?
[IGNORING JOURNAL NOW, TIME TO FIND SOME VILLAGERS. He'll mutter as he walks away though:]
All these forests look the same to me… How do they always know where to go? What a pain…
Third Person: (Samples must be 300 words or above. Remember to write using proper grammar, verb tenses, and paragraphs.)
When Luke awoke, he had a headache the size of the Tartarus. For a brief moment, he thought that the headaches that hadn't plagued him for a month had returned, but this one was different. It wasn't a piercing pain; it didn't feel like someone was dragging their nails across a chalkboard on both sides of his ears. It was just a pounding ache that was already beginning to dull. Once it became bearable, Luke let go of his head and looked up… Only to see that he was nowhere near the boat where he supposedly blacked out. He stood up quickly; Mieu was supposed to be right near his side, but where was he now? He called for him, even using the "nickname" that he had "affectionately" given to him, yet there was still no response. Only his voice faintly echoed back at him.
And when that happened… He realized that he really was all alone. And that never happened outside of the manor. He could feel nervousness rise up in his chest; he could get even more lost, what if he never found Baticul again, but then again-No, no. This isn't the time to think that way. He plopped down and glared down at the ground. It surely wasn't his fault that he was… wherever he was, unless he triggered a hyperresonance by accident. But wouldn't he have felt it?
"Figures," he thought to himself. Luke didn't know where he was, didn't know how he got here, didn't know the way back, didn't know anything, just like always. But sitting around and pouting about it wouldn't get him anywhere, and despite how tempting it was, he knew that he had to get up and find his way out.
What was it that Van told him? Moss grew on the south side of trees?
Luke took in a deep breath to swallow the fear and allow determination to take over, then stood up and headed to the south, rolling his shoulders with an irritated groan. Did he sleep wrong again? It wouldn't be the first time…