Nov 06, 2010 00:39
[Now that Luke can stay awake for more than an hour, he'd really like to get back to the people of Auldrant as well as the friends he made here in Luceti. He still can't hear anything, but... well, maybe no one has to know that. As long as they don't try talking to him, he'll be fine.
And being bedridden for these past few days has been extremely boring.
So, he grabs his journal and writes.]
Hey... I'm back.
[... Yup. Not much to expand on there. So let's go on.]
Anyone have any good stories to tell? Or... Actually, what's the most fun you've ever had? Here or in your world.
[Filtered to Asch; 15% Unhackable]
Asch, can I talk to you?
stupid molasses,
asch is my bro,
what a literal pain,
spoiled child