Because I feel the need to put my thoughts up for the whole wide world to see...

Aug 16, 2009 11:20

So, I'm back from New Mexico and also from New Hampshire, so I figured I'd take a few moments to sit and organize my thoughts. This is more of a To Do list, on various time scales.

Places I Want to Go
-I figure, I've been to NEW Mexico and NEW Hampshire so far this summer. I've driven through NEW Jersey, and now I want to go to NEW York. Am I missing any? Yes, I'm a dork. I think part of my driving need to get to New York, other than to see my Supatwin, is so I can travel around a little bit by myself. Subway surf, pick a destination and get there by myself, on my own. For being as lonely a summer as it's been, I've been surrounded by people all the time. Hmmm.
-I also want to get to DC to see my ST. I have no pull from the city itself, obviously, but I miss Anj and I want to see her before I go back to school, when it'll be harder to make the time to do it.
-We drove through New York (state) yesterday on the way home. We saw Woodstock and West Hurley and Kingston, and drove around by the houses we lived in until I was 6, and it's amazing how much I can remember from those houses. They are smaller, now. And the brief trip through Woodstock scratched my itch to go see it. It was anti-climactic to say the least.
-On a longer timescale, I need to get to Chicago to visit with Grad School AAAHHHH profs. I also need to look at other grad schools. But I think I'm going to latch onto U Chicago as my ideal program.
-I also am determined to get to New Orleans. Via a road trip, preferably, but any way I can.
-Also, having watched last week's episode of Weeds, I now want to backpack through Europe. Will I ever get the money or the balls to do it? We'll see. Which leads nicely to my next To Do list...

Stuff I Need to Acquire
-MONEY!!!! I have none. So much for a paid internship this summer. What's the use if I need to blow all of it on food and textbooks... Oh well.
-Random school supplies, such as a new 2009-2010(AHHHHHHHH) planner.
-Various toiletries I'm running low on. I discovered this really fantastic-smelling soap that smells like honeysuckle but not in a gross sticky way. I wish I'd discovered it earlier in the summer, since it's very much a summer fragrance. I'm still in love with my usual scent, anyway, so I guess I won't make the switch.
-A grown-up driver's license. Mine is still tilted the under-21 way, and it's annoying.
-A haircut!!!!!!!! O. M. F. G. It's been fun having really long hair, but all the ends are dead. I need to find a place that's not too expensive. See above...
-Hours for the pool this semester. It's rather unclear as to if the pool will be open while they renovate the gym, but as a senior I get priority, so I'm safe if they reduce hours. I hope. I need money. See above...
-Holes in my ears. One more in each lobe. I'd do them myself if I had good jewelry to put in them while they heal. But I don't. So, in the theme of the post, I need more money. See above...

Things I Need to Do
-Lose some weight and get back into shape. My goal is to get back to the weight I was when I was rowing. Hopefully I can manage this by the end of the year (2009, not the school year). It's been decently easy building back up the muscles I had, and living at a mile elevation for 10 weeks is making the aerobic workouts easier than they could be. I foresee the pudge being stubborn, though. Urgh...
-Go to see Dr. Fitch. I need more contacts, and I might ask him about *gasp* optometry schools. It seems like every time I see him, I leave thinking "oooh, I could do this..." *gasp* Another career idea? I haven't made up my mind about what I want to do with the rest of my life? Maybe I should see a shrink, this can't be normal. *is scarcastic*
-Figure out how I feel and figure out what is the appropriate thing to do about it. Flap, flap flap. Chaaiiiin.
-Start a Twitter? Maybe? I keep wanting to post lyrics from songs I like as my facebook status, but that seems to confuse people. So maybe Twitter is a better venue for that? I need a good username, though. I want a new one, not my usual. I'm open to suggestions.
-Figure out what to do as a CoCoordinator for SPT. I still want to have a rush party as our first party early on. Hopefully, people will go to the first party training session so I can make it a real party. I also need to get on my proposed revisions to the SPT Bible. I think it needs some revamping.
-Catch up on Royal Pains and Warehouse 13 and finish season 3 of Buffy. Thank god for Hulu.
-*Hangs head in shame* Write fanfic... It's been too long, I need to get back into practice.

tv shows, grad school, travelling, i'm broke, spt, ahhhhh!, flap flap flap chain, body image

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