you shouldn't read this. seriously.

Jul 05, 2005 21:08

so i was going to write a full update about my first day at the American Academy of Dramatic Arts, but i have to go set up stuff for the rest of the week, and since i won't be home until friday and therefore can't be on lj/myspace all the time like i normally am, i care to explain why.

tomorrow morning my dad is dropping me off at the deer park trainstation at 7 am, and i'll get to penn station around 8 and walk to aada. then, since my family is going up to geneseo for ashley's orientation, my grandpa is going to pick me up at 1 and take me back to his home in the bronx, where i'll hang out with him and then see a movie with my cousin. then thursday morning he'll drive me to aada, and after my classes i'll run to penn to catch the 2:15 to ronkonkama. justin's going to pick me up there because he loves me so very much, and we'll go to footloose rehearsal at airport playhouse. then my aunt will pick me up at 6:30 and i'll go back to her house and spend the night there. friday morning she'll drive me to the train station and i'll do the whole train/walk thing to aada. then i'll take the train back home to babylon, walk to my dad's office, and one of his secretaries will drive me home.
my family will get home on friday night.
so i'm pissed because i won't be home with enough time to throw a partay.
omg! i forgot the best part. on saturday i'm going with gabrielle to the hamptonsss and we're gonna walk around and hang out with hot boys and be cool.

i don't know why i wasted all your time by writing that.
god, what am i going to do without a computer for two and a half days?!?!?!
call please, if only to relieve me from time spent with my family.

p.s. i through my mp3 player into my bag today for the ride, and it turned out to be a copy of the starting line cd from like two years ago. i played the last two songs over and over again. you know when lyrics just fit your life. except these made me sad. because they relate too much.

here's to all the things i met but never said
(maybe i'll call or see you around)

(Kieran sent this message to me through myspace, explaining why he didn't come see grease. i have posted it for your enjoyment).

I was planning on going opening night and sitting in the front row, i was even planning on wearing my Melissa is awesome teeshirt but then some unexplainable events happened which kept me from seeing the show, it goes liek this.

It was opening night for grease and i couldnt wait to go, i got ready like four hours early and waited and waited...and waited. then finnaly the clock struck 6:15! I rushed otu to my bike and started riding as fast as i could, jsut then i saw a car on the side of the road with a flat tire, i went up to the car to see if the ppl inside needed help and to my suprise who was in the car? George W. Bush! so i helped him change his tire and we talked politics and about privitizing social security and what not, i gave him a few tips about the war adn how he should probably set up an exit plan, how ever we got on the subject of the 04 election and honestly i told him i was pulling for John kerry, george Bush was furious, He screamed, "DICK! Fix this!" Then the ground split and as from the pits of hell dick cheny arose and started screaming, he took his pitch fork and popped my bike tires, then out of no where bush pulled out a lasso and roped my bike and took it away, he and dick laughed manically, Cheny then asked george bush if he wanted to go for ice cream, George then said something along the lines of me wantee Tutifruti. and they sped off in bush's jeep wrangler. By then it was 6:30. I started running as fast as I could but i passed an alley on the way and saw two guys beating up and mugging an old woman who had jsut finished food shopping, luckly she bought sausage links in which i made makeshift knuckchucks and scared them off, i then continued my journey I was almost there, infact the airport playhouse was right across the street, bgut i was heading over when i started to see flames, i looked closer and i saw taht the orphanage was on fifre, BURNING ORPHANS so there was a fire hydrant near by, with my bare hands i broke open the hydrant and wiht my hands cupped brought water to the fire and put it out, i was a hero proudly i walked toward the theater, i put my hand on the door when suddenly a beam of light appeared and beings not fromthis world appeared, what were they? Ninja aleins! they beamed me up onto there ship, trying to experiment on me, i caussed hell until they grew tired of me and abbandont me in the desert, i made a make shift pogo stick out of a cactus and tried to make it back so i could see your show, it took me days to return and by the time i got back curtan call for closing night had jsut ended, so i went home and cried.
P.S. you have to come see tommy or i will come to your exotic and distant land of Dix hills and fight you
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