
Oct 14, 2009 16:01

Oh shit apocabigbang looks so cool. I'd hit that like a red-headed stepchild, because it plays into my raging boner for the apocalypse and dark, hopeless landscapes.

And IB would fit so well! SO WELL. Already we've got the requisite group of survivors, there can be parallels to WWII- what if we'd dropped the bomb EVERYWHERE, a 40's throwback apocalypse with old transistor radios and button down shirts and scratched records of Benny Goodman they put on in bombed-out libraries to keep the mutant wolves away. There's fluttering bits of ash, razorhail,  everyone is grimy, there is no back home. It's bleak, so bleak, like, The Road bleak; and it's perfect.

Then again, I have, you know, no time. Ever.

Sign ups close in November, so I have a month to waffle.

Other problem: this is, obviously, a sockpuppet journal for down and dirty fandom purposes, but I would want to talk about bigbang constantly with people in rl. It would be like living a double life to an extent I am not comfortable with.


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