Oct 26, 2005 14:01
quick update: Still at Robert Wood Johnson. Have been since monday afternoon. I have a pulmonaty embolism and im on blood thinners now. I'll have to give myself ashot every 12 hours for the next 3-6 months. It's pretty scary.
My favorite part is Hurtado (the rutgers health center) told me it was an enflamed rib and i should take a motrin and a hot shower... if i had listened to them I probably would have had a stroke.
This whole situation is kinda terrifying. But at least I'm getting over my needle phobia. between all the hots and blood tests in the past 3 days ive only passed out 4 times... and 3 of those were the first day... one was today, did fine while tehy were taking the blood but then i looked over and saw the vial.
The pain gets kind of excruciating, the morphene isnt really helping much. RIght now 1/4 of my left lung isnt getting any blood and is dying. It should get better though, tehy said. But Matt has been with me the entire time, and my parents, Mandy and james have all visited. I hope I'm better in time for homecoming! and the halloween party!! garg.
I need a test now though update more later...