Mar 07, 2009 19:42
The true joke in life is the thaght of an existence outsid its confins we are all scared of deth some less then others but i gess without a fear of deth there would be no deth, crime, crookedness its all the same a basic human emoshen we all feel greed, lust, and lies are all human emoshens but thes little things can lead to big things that arn't as easy to deal with.
all things in life are relitive they all coexist because they have to not of there own free will, we are mad of atoms that do not normaly bond and are forced to bond inside the woum we are flaws of nater we could of evolved we are to complex and to uncaring to have evolved from a ape.
life is life live wile you have it do good be good and sicrafic your self for the grater good is all bull shit live like your deing it is mutch more fun.
"there is more then one whay to know the truth but only one path"