(no subject)

Sep 30, 2007 16:52

So I haven't updated in quite some time and I suspect that the only reason I'm doing so is because I don't want to work on things that I have due.  A lot has happened.  To recap:

I met a guy in Hawaii.  His name is Brad.  We're still together, but the relationship is a bit rocky, at least from my end.  He feels like someone with whom I could really fall in love.  I guess I would call him the "marrying type", except for the fact that a title like that is a bit much to bestow upon someone this early in the relationship (even if what I really mean to say is that if/when I get married, I wouldn't mind marrying someone like him).  Regardless, I was falling in love with him at the end of the summer, but since coming back my feelings have stalled because it's hard to communicate well with someone who is 5000 miles away and hates IM, the phone, and is only reasonably comfortable with email.  We're working on it (or at least, I'm trying) and he's coming out in November to see me, so I'm excited.

I've been having anxiety issues and so finally after having seen my therapist for a couple sessions, I was formally diagnosed with ADHD.  Yes, I know it's a very very late diagnosis, but I feel that it's the correct one.  And fine, ADHD is over-diagnosed in adolescent boys, but I'm neither adolescent nor boy.  I'm pretty sure there isn't an over-diagnosis issue with adult females.  It explains my anxiety, inability to focus, and hyperfocusing on certain things like...

The Physics GRE.  So in order to get into physics or astronomy grad school, one must take the physics GRE and the general GRE.  These two lovely tests cost me a whopping 270 bucks.  I'm so glad that I'm completely loaded.  Oh wait, I'm not.  Crap...

I'm applying to grad school right now.  So far I'm for sure applying to Texas at Austin, Hawaii, Oklahoma, Clemson, Indiana, Texas Tech, Washington, and I'm not quite where where else.  I'm looking all around, though.  Catholic University's program seems interesting, but I'm going to be crushed if I don't get into UT.

I got a job in the physics department grading for Linnemann for PHY 191, which is a lab class for scientists and engineers.  It basically teaches you statistics.  I hated that class so incredibly much, but looking back, I'm glad I had it because it was a really superb class and it is actually set up very well.  I hope Linnemann can continue to teach it.

So that's basically what HAS happened.  Now for what WILL (or is supposed to)  happen...

I'm going to Austin for a week in October to collaborate with a woman in the Astronomy department.  I'm excited.  I also get to hang out with my friend Kyle (and hopefully Brandt and Sarah).  Prior to that, I'll be running in the Dino Dash and frantically making a poster for my trip out to UT.  After that, the GREs happen and finally, Brad comes out to visit.  And then it's Thanksgiving and hardcore apply to grad school time.  I'm also in the process for applying to Teach for America.

So that's it in a nutshell.
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