Daily Travels of The Master Cleanser - Day 1

Mar 02, 2011 11:50

Well, i've been reading a lot on the Master Cleanser. I've have for the past 10 years been a great fan of healthy eating and keeping the boxed, prepared foods far from my house, and for the past 6 years been committed to eating as much organic live food & humanely raised beef, chicken, turkey, and non GMO foods as possible and as can be afforded by my pocketbook. I've done the juice fasts, the water fasts and the herb cleanses. I've read, it seems, every online article about losing the "belly fat" and living fit and active over 40 (but will never divulge my age). I've purchased books by some of the most popular and well known health guru's as well as books by M D’s, Nutritionists, Internists, Hollywood’s prettiest and smartest and the not so well known. While much of the information has been helpful, some of what I have read has only helped in confusing the matter even further in my already busy brain of what to cook, what to eat, what to drink and not drink and in what order and in what quantities. After I purchased and read The Master Cleanse, By Stanley Burroughs, i am compelled to further treat my body to a full Detoxifying along with the oral cleansing that is suggested by the author.

I thought it would be fun to chronicle my days experience with Master Cleansing (MC)

Day 1:

I didn’t start like many people do, first thing in the morning; in fact I didn’t even convince myself until I had a full breakfast (1 egg, 1 slice cheese, 2 slices of smoked turkey 2 slices whole grain/organic bread with real / organic butter and 6 oz organic garden vegetable juice - Trader Joes’ brand of V-8). I had to make sure that I was doing all I could to talk myself out of this complete fast from all foods and liquids other than this Master Cleanse “Lemonade”. I’m an avid coffee drinker and I seriously don’t look forward to the caffeine withdrawal headaches with no potential for pain relief. UGH someone pinch me please. More online research just to make sure this was in fact healthy and off I go to the kitchen to make my first drink.

10oz Filtered water only

2 TBLS freshly squeezed organic lemon

2 TBLS Grade B or C organic maple Syrup

1/10 Tsp cayenne pepper

This is the recipe to my wonderful drink that will become my best friend for the next 10 days. Stop in and leave me an encouraging word or two during my journey. I’m going to post some pictures of me during this time. I think it will be fun.

BTW , and for my own protection, I must make this DISCLOSURE: I am not a physician, and I do not recommend or advocate any diet or cleansing or detoxifying product. Anyone who begins any cleansing, detox or diet process after reading my blog and without first talking to their own physician does so by their own decision. I am not trying to persuade anyone to do anything; this blog is simply my way of chronicling my personal journey.  Any claims that I may make are my personal opinion and have nothing to do with the success or failure of the Master Cleans nor to any of their claims.  Please do your own research; it is the most invaluable tool. You may want to start here: www.mastercleanser.com

I've been pretty polite to myself and described myself as Titianesque or curvaceous, but the unfiltered truth is that i eat more than i need and don't exercise as much as i need, the end result is over weight and larger measurements than i would like, one of the many reason's i decided to do the MC.  So i figured in order to keep myself accountable, i would do the unthinkable and post my weight and measurements.  So when i get around to it tomorrow, i'll do just that and post them on Day 1.

Weight and Body Measurements to Follow:

detoxifying, master cleanser, lemonade diet

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