at work...

Jul 27, 2005 09:51

So, I'm at work right now, waiting for a phone call for me to go and pick up Awadagin. It's a name pronounced very uhm.. well, pronounced like. I'll have to explain when you can hear me say it :).

I changed the look of my LJ, do you like?

I went to bed last night at midnight-ish. It was hot as balls in my apartment (at least for me, but Jessica said it was hot too, so you KNOW it was hot!). Ozzy called me [back] and we talked until 2:30ish am. That was fun times because we made each other laugh with the things we said and he's a very good listener and yeah, he's good to talk to. But he said something to me last night that I have yet to get out of my head. It wasn't a bad thing or anything, but he said that his first impression of me was that I was very in touch with myself. I've never gotten that before. And I still kind of don't know what it means. But I liked that. He didn't think I was goody-goody or bitchy.

I also talked about how I miss 'the boy.' But that's ok. I wanna try to give it time... ::sigh::

And also, this morning I got off to a rough start. The roommate Jessica said "ok whatever." That makes me ill, so now she knows that I was ill. Don't be so touchy.

And Awadagin still hasn't called yet, but I don't have anything to say... So yeah, give me a call at work b/c God knows Travis talks on his phone alll day. I like to talk on mine too :)
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